Polis is a real-time system that uses advanced statistics and machine learning to collect, analyze, and understand what large numbers of people are thinking in their own words. (DeepL)
- Polis | The Computational Democracy Project
- Pol.is] is also often written as Pol.is, but I did so because the original owner calls himself Polis.
- Visualization of opinion distribution
Polis is a system that collects and analyzes the opinions and sentiments of large numbers of people in real time. The system uses advanced statistics and machine learning to make the collected opinions easier to understand.
- Main Features
- Real-time collection and analysis: Collect and analyze the opinions of large numbers of people in real time to understand current opinion trends.
- Efficient opinion gathering: designed to be more organic than surveys and less labor intensive than focus groups.
- Cluster Analysis: The collected opinions are analyzed in clusters to identify common and conflicting opinions. This provides a holistic view of the diversity of opinions.
- Main applications
- Policy Making: Governments and businesses can gather citizen and customer feedback to help improve policies and services.
- Community consensus building: Used to facilitate coordination and consensus building within the community.
- technical background
- Polis primarily uses the following technologies
- Dimensionality Reduction: Use PCA (Principal Component Analysis), UMAP, etc. to reduce high-dimensional data to lower dimensions for easier visual understanding.
- Cluster analysis: clusters opinions using the K-Means method or the Leiden algorithm to extract common groups of opinions.
- Polis primarily uses the following technologies
Polis: Scaling Deliberation by Mapping High Dimensional Opinion Spaces
https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis https://github.com/pol-is
What we tried
- Polis Experience Report: Should we investigate the causes of terrorism?
- Polis Experience Report: Should Same-Sex Marriage Be Legalized?
- Dimensionality reduction
- Clustering
@nishio: maybe the good thing about Polis is that short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition) I think the best thing about Polis is that it is short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition). If a human tries to reach a consensus with 100 people without the assistance of a machine, he/she has to read 100 times as much as he/she wrote, and most of us can’t stand that. Opinions that are close to their own are easier to understand, and opinions that are far away are harder to understand, so they perceive more opinions that are close to their own.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Polis using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.