The development of technology to duplicate and distribute information has made it easier for one person to communicate ideas to a large number of people.
However, when a large number of people transmit information, the volume of information received by one person becomes enormous, and the person drowns in the flood of information.
In a society and company where people actively communicate, technology that supports listening to the opinions of many will be important.
- Figure from “[Not subjective or objective, but from the subjectivity of one to the subjectivity of many.
- This diagram seems to be useful for explaining broad listening, so I’ll call it CC0.
- For more information on this figure: Replication of information has made information transmission more efficient, but reception has not improved; technology to reduce information is needed information is needed.
- The development of LLM will lead to the development of Summarizing Technology, which in turn will affect the way people communicate.
- Examples of specific technologies: Polis, Talk to the City.
2024-06-07 - Takahiro Yasuno to run for Governor of Tokyo There was a reference to broad listening during the press conference. Audrey Tan also mentioned it as a good part of Yasuno’s plan.
- 2024 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Organized Session ” OS-8 AI and Democracy Keynote Lecture
- Haruyuki Seki Updating Society and Democracy through Civic Tech.
- According to Glen Weyl, this concept comes from Andrew Trask and is a contrastive structure of broadcasting / broadlistening.
- [/plurality-japanese/2024-01-10 QA with Glen]( QA with Glen)
2023-04-22 I am interested in improving human intellectual productivity. Broad listening is a technology that enables a flesh-and-blood person to “hear many opinions,” which is impossible. Therefore, I am interested in it as a kind of human enhancement.
2023-04-11 I learned the term “broad listening” from reading Plurality’s commentary.
Millions of people can hear the extracted essence of the distribution of opinions of their peers
- from Plurality
Advances in statistics (often associated with AI) make it possible “broad listening”, where millions of people can hear the distilled essence of the distribution of opinion of their peers, empowering democratic deliberation at scale.
- (DeepL) Advances in statistics (often associated with AI) allow for “broad listening” where millions of people can hear the essence extracted from the distribution of opinions of their peers, enhancing democratic careful deliberation on a large scale.
--- AI generated below
2023-09-01 01:19
My research focuses on improving human intellectual productivity. I am particularly interested in a technique called broad listening, which allows people to hear many opinions. I consider this a form of human augmentation.
Broad listening, thanks to advances in statistics and the relevance of AI, allows millions of people to hear the essence extracted from the distribution of opinions of their peers. This enables democratic deliberation on a large scale.
One specific technology is Polis. It is a system in which many people express their opinions on a question, which is then visualized; the AI can also play the role of a personality, thus providing multiple perspectives.
Better consensus-building” can be achieved by enhancing “the ability to recognize the opinions of many.”
However, mastering the practical methods of broad listening remains a challenge. We intend to explore this in depth in future studies.
extra info
TITLES: ["Broad Listening", "Kozaneba:Plurality", "Plurality and Polis Study Group", "Broad Listening Concepts in Language", "LLM and Plurality"]
generated: 2023-09-01 01:19
previous notes
broad listening I am interested in improving human intellectual productivity. I am interested in broad listening as a kind of human enhancement, because it is a technology that enables a flesh-and-blood person to hear many opinions, which is not possible.
I learned the term “broad listening” from reading Plurality’s commentary.
Millions of people can hear the extracted essence of the distribution of opinions of their peers
- from Plurality
Advances in statistics (often associated with AI) make it possible “broad listening”, where millions of people can hear the distilled essence of the distribution of opinion of their peers, empowering democratic deliberation at scale.
- (DeepL) Advances in statistics (often associated with AI) allow for “broad listening” where millions of people can hear the essence extracted from the distribution of opinions of their peers, enhancing democratic careful deliberation on a large scale.
specific technology
Regarding Polis, “Aren’t you doing this because you want to change society?” I’ve been thinking about it again, and I don’t think I want to change society that much.
- It’s a system where multiple personalities express their opinions on a lot of questions, and those opinions are visualized.”
- AI can do the personality, for example [/villagepump/Scrapbox ChatGPT Connector roundtable mode]( ChatGPT Connector roundtable mode).
- It’s expensive to get 20 people to vote on a raw, boiled-down topic that I’m interested in, who I think “might give me useful input”.
- But it would be nice if the AI could vote in various people’s personalities while we sleep.
- If the section that says, “Hey, this topic is unexpectedly controversial, even though I expected to agree with it,” is discovered, we can say, “Let’s have an AI play the role of someone who disagrees with this topic and discuss it.
- That I am interested in this because it is a method of human augmentation.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ブロードリスニング using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.