January~February 2022 muscle training 2022-03-13
✅B pull-up 2: Horizontal pull high 0 30 x 3
C bridge 1: Short bridge 50 x 3
- ✅x2
- I can do it. Your back hurts.
✅C hanging 2: bar hang 25s 10s
- It’s a lot more stable than when 10 seconds was just barely enough.
- The second time I could only do it for 10 seconds, so I guess something is consuming me.
- The road to 60s x4 is a long one.
- Tried.
- They said they’d give you a recommended plan after you enter a lot of information.
- https://twitter.com/hrjn/status/1502971535224881160?s=21
- I’ve entered a lot of information, and then it says, “We’ve got a plan for you! and then “To see it, you need to subscribe to a subscription of 4,400 yen per year”.
- There’s a one-week trial period to get in a subscription and give it a try.
- Well, I don’t really like this “I’ve never done this before and I don’t know the form” thing where you have to do it for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and then move on! I don’t like this kind of thing.
- I am the type of person who wants to take my time and cultivate an understanding of my body through observation.
- Cancelled.
- Carry over of what I was going to do yesterday
- ✅C bridge 1: Short bridge 50 x 1
- A Push-up 2: Incline push-up 40x3
- A Leg Raise 1: Knee Tuck 10x1
- ✅B Squat 1: Shoulder stand squat 30 x 2
- I did it without looking at the menu and at the 30 times point I was like, “Well, how many times do I have to do it?” it was 25 x 2.
- Since I had done 30 times, I did another set of 30, but it was indeed tough.
- Weak back pull.
- I was worried that my body might have stiffened up after skipping for a while, but I kept my knees to my forehead.
- When I first started, it wasn’t at all.
I did 25 horizontal pulls and came back to see “that’s tough, how many times did I do that?” and it was 30.
- Weak…
Horizontal pull 30 x 3
You only do muscle training once a month!
- It doesn’t go to zero times thanks to Pikmin Bloom.
- barhang continues
- Hanging for 10 seconds is not hard, so you can do it every day, this is a low load.
- The room that has been created is being developed in the direction of Hanging Knee Raise.
2022-06-04 Sat.
- Horizontal pull 30 x 3
- The flow of taking a walk on Saturday and doing a horizontal pull while doing so.
2022-06-08 Wed.
- Bar hang. 30 seconds.
- With knee raise leg up form.
- I wonder if the bottleneck is grip strength.
- The heat wave was so bad I had to stay indoors.
- Even if you were to stay indoors, you could have done some muscle training indoors, so it’s just an excuse.
- My weight is surprisingly unchanged, but my muscles are breaking down and turning to fat, the worst W
- Barhang can only last 12 seconds.
- I did 30 supported squats.
- Should I associate waiting for a microwave or something with muscle training?
- I’m a test user for a project with an unexplored junior, and it’s stirring my desire to walk.
- It’s getting a lot cooler, so I should start walking.
- It’s been a long time
- I can do 10 x 2 full squats. - It should be ready in the time it takes to make a hot sandwich.
- Close squats are quite difficult.
- Just as you needed to have a greater range of motion in your hip joints to be able to do a full squat.
- Narrow ankle range of motion, shins do not fall forward and center of gravity moves backward
- Written, weak muscles in front of knee.
- I was told to go back to suppoted squatting.
- I didn’t do the pull.
- I didn’t even do push ups.
- Knee tucks used to be tough, even the starting position, but draw-ins and knee stroking sit-ups have made it a little better.
- After all, my abs were too much more than they were supposed to be.
- By the way, your posture is in a hanging knee raise because you’re bending your legs during the bar hang.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/2022年筋トレ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.