Example implementation of a type of Quadratic Voting where Voice Credit has a Continued Value.
- Context: Quadratic Voting UI Devices.
- Example of a type where Voice Credit has no continuing value: RxC QV.
World Congress of [Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
Diplomatic Support” is the equivalent of Voice Credit.
After voting 1 vote at cost 0, additional votes can be added by paying an additional Voice Credit
Each additional vote is a temporary function of the additional cost.
So the overall cost is quadratic in the number of votes.
voting results Players #1 and #4 cast 4 and 5 votes for A. Players #2 and #3 cast their votes for B.
- If it’s a one vote per person vote, it’s a tie, but this is Quadratic Voting, so the player who paid the cost and cast the most votes wins.
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