from Diary 2023-05-04
Witnessed the statement, “There has been less and less talk about ChatGPT in my timeline lately.” - [Torn of the world. - Not reduced, but moved out of observation range. - It could be said that the Formation of early adopter groups is over. - This is chasm.
- I think I anticipated this one and wrote about it, but I can’t find it right away, so I’m writing about it again.
- PS: I found this on Twitter - As know-how accumulates, it is not transmitted.
- When New Technology emerges, new-obsessed engineers tinker with curiosity and actively transmit what they have experienced.
- Because by transmitting, it is easier to discover others who have the same interest and are trying the same thing. - signalling - Information is gathered to the sender of information.
- By connecting with such people, it is easier to get information about the subject you are interested in. - Formation of early adopter groups
- As you accumulate the know-how you use for your own work, you’ll use it for work you can’t transmit.
- Then they won’t transmit as much as they did in the early days.
- The other day I wrote “Stop trying the unpaid ChatGPT in Japanese and thinking you know what you’re doing…” was probably the last rope I threw to the people on the other side of the tearing world. - spider silk reminiscent of - [How I stopped throwing masakari.
Suggested. - person who hangs a spider’s thread
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