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  • この領域の地図を把握する上で有用そうなので訳しておく

  • この論文では技術競争にdemand-based viewを導入

  • threshold

    • “critical performance levels that must be met for an offering to become relevant to a decision set”
    • これは社会科学の領域でよく知られた概念(Granovetter, 1978; Varian, 1978; David, 1969; McFadden,1986; Meyer and Kahn, 1991)
    • 著者らは2種類の閾値を区別
      • A consumer’s functional threshold
        • = minimum level of performance below which a consumer will not accept a product regardless of its price.
        • 各々の顧客が異なった閾値と効用関数を持っていて、選好とはその最大化である。
        • (脚注3) この定式化は歴史のある物
          • This conceptualization follows a long tradition of work in marketing, decision science, and economics (Griliches, 1961; Lancaster, 1979; Green and Wind, 1973; Trajtenberg, 1990)
            • consumers have relative preferences for product characteristics
            • consumer choice can be usefully conceived as the maximization of utility measured in terms of the functional characteristics that are embodied in their product choices.
            • The treatment of preferences for goods as being derived from preferences for collections of characteristics lies at the heart of established techniques such as hedonic analysis, conjoint analysis, and multidimensional logit models of brand choice
      • Net utility threshold
        • 価格と顧客のdecision functionの間を取り持つ
        • highest price a consumer will pay for a product that just meets her functional threshold
  • value trajectoryはCobb-Douglas utility curveの勾配

    • つまり特定の効用を得るうえで機能の総和が最小となる点
    • Lancaster的に言えば - it is defined by the vector which minimizes the characteristic resources required to attain a given utility level; that is, the vector along which the compensating function is equal to unity (Lancaster, 1979, 1991)
  • 価格を逆数の形で効用に入れてる (eq.2) まあそりゃそうするよね

    • これは対数を取ると
    • となるので となるTirole1988のmonotonic variantである(脚注9)