Plotinus’s thought inherited Plato’s Idealism, but tried to overcome its dualism. He emphasized the “one thing” (to hen) as taught in Plato’s “Parmenides” and equated it with god as unspeakable. All things (spirit, matter) are due to the action of the nous (reason) that has leaked out (rumour (rumor) that something has leaked out) from the infinite being (good Idea), the “One” (to-heen). Plotinos - Wikipedia - Avatamska sutra じゃん
- from 61c08b4baff09e0000b6c522. - Dushun divided the world of enlightenment into three stages. - This “thing” is an individual thing. - The world in which all individuals are enlightened that they do not have fixed entities is the “world of reason and law. - This “reason” is “eternal, infinite, and absolute existence.” - The individual is the manifestation of a branch of reason, and reason becomes matter, matter becomes reason, and reason becomes matter. - [In the Prajnaparamita Sutra, “color equals emptiness, emptiness equals color” is well known (color = matter, emptiness = reason). - This enlightened world is the “Director Unobstructed Dharma Realm.” - Hindrance” is the correct character for “hinder” in the Japanese word for obstacle, meaning “to hinder” or “to hinder. - Based on the above enlightenment, I came back to the world of “things” and realized that “all individuals also exist in transition to each other” and that “free from obstacles in the way of one’s daily life.”
- In Kegon’s words, “all things are things” that “flowed out/branched off” from the eternal, infinite, and absolute existence of the One, the Truth.
- The spill theory considers that they “flowed out,” so the individual all things do not return to the original One.
- In Hua Yan, we think of it as “branched off,” so it’s connected at the root.
- Whether it is individual or single is only a question of the scope of observation.
- So we can return to “reason” without wandering just by changing our thinking.
- This enlightened world is the “Director Unobstructed Dharma Realm.”
- In Hua Yan, we think of it as “branched off,” so it’s connected at the root.
The One is separate from all things, which are finite entities, and the One itself does not change, increase or decrease in any way due to outflows. It is as if the sun itself does not change, but the light emitted from the sun illuminates its surroundings. Just as the farther one moves away from the light, the darker it becomes, so there is a difference between higher and lower spirits and substances.
Also, man can revert to the “One” through love of the “One” (erose). To merge with the One and attain the state of oblivion is called ecstasy. section 11 of Aeneas VI.
- Oh, he was united with one by eros and ecstasy.
- Director, that’s unhindered enlightenment.
However, it is very rare for a few people to reach ecstasis. Plotinus himself experienced it only four times in his lifetime. His brother Porphyrios, in his “On the Life of Plotinus and the Order of His Writings” (called “Biography of Plotinus”), wrote that he had experienced it once.
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