indicates word or phrase being defined
margin for pasting together (e.g. two pieces of paper)
- What is the origin of recognition?
- Is truth known by experience or by thought?
- This is “The Problem of the Origin of Recognition.”
- The “problem of the origin of perception” occurred before “[what is truth?” in history.
- Before discussing what truth is, a debate arose as to whether truth is known through experience?
- (esp. of men) one’s prime (approx. age 30)
- What is truth is a more fundamental question,Kant (1724-1804)の時代でもまだ「真理とは何か」に関して曖昧で、 rock (1632-1704)による認識論の方が先であった、というのが西田幾多郎(1870-1945)の解説
- rock was the first to systematically discuss epistemology.
- Locke’s problem was primarily one of perceived origin.
- There are three positions depending on how you think about the origin of recognition
- empiricism
- rationalism
- mysticism ( intuitionism )
What is rationalism?
Empiricism and just the opposite position
- Think true knowledge is given from within by reason.
The foundation of rationalism was placed by Plato. - Separated knowledge into Knowledge by Perception and knowledge by reason (as opposed to intuition). - Knowledge by Perception varies from person to person and from time to time, so it is not truth.
- Truth must be found from within ourselves through reason.
- What exactly do we do? - Recall of Ideas
- In today’s terms, The Idea of Identity is a category (category).
- Descartes’ concept of the true instrument is also analogous to Plato’s [idea (in Platonic thought)
- Descartes from which spinosa and Leibniz (German newspaper) were derived.
Leibniz was the most thorough exponent of [rationalism - A New Theory of Human Enlightenment is a critique of Locke’s philosophical idea that human nature is fundamentally depraved from a rationalist standpoint.
Kant “Both enlightenment and sensitivity are necessary. The point is balance.”
Geitaro Nishida “The question is how to combine enlightenment and sensitivity.”
First published /villagepump/rationalism.
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