The Orange organization is one of the teal organization classifications,
- yes
Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the market and the organization.
- I don’t think so.
- Can we say that achievement as an organizational goal means success in the marketplace? It also has the characteristics of an adaptive organization,
- that isBrownian tissue
- An organization where learning is passed on as well.
- I don’t think so.
- Passing on learnings can be beneficial to an organization, whether brown or orange.
However, the boundaries are not clear and can oscillate between Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft.
- Organizations are not clearly categorized as one of these two types.
- Company organizations are usually considered society, but investments are sometimes made in employee satisfaction and creating a good working environment.
- This suggests that while the Orange organization could be considered closer to a Gesellschaft, it could also be closer to a Gemeinschaft, depending on its operations and organizational culture.
- The purpose of the organization in a very difficult place.存続にあるのか達成にあるのかに関連してくるように思う
- During the transition from brown to orange, the dichotomy of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft was created to compare these two types, but I think it’s an old dichotomy.
- Increasing employee satisfaction and reducing turnover is gemeinschaftian
2023-09-02 15:38
Digest of Research Notes
I have reread my research notes on the Orange Organization and summarized its main points. The Orange Organization is one in the classification of teal organizations, which emphasizes the relationship between the market and the organization. It also has characteristics as an adaptive organization and an organization where learning is passed on. However, its boundaries are not clear, and it can oscillate between Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft.
Nishio’s research note, “Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft,” also states that organizations are not clearly classified as one of these two types. Corporate organizations are usually considered Gesellschafts, but investments may be made in employee satisfaction and creating a good working environment. This suggests that while the Orange organization may be considered closer to a Gesellschaft, it may also be closer to a Gemeinschaft, depending on its operations and organizational culture.
Furthermore, Nishio’s research note, Hatena2014-09-13, states that concentration deepens where Orange goes down. This may indicate that Orange organizations tend to focus on concentration and efficiency in order to maintain market and organizational balance.
- This is a different story w
In sum, it can be said that while the Orange Organization values market and organizational balance, adaptability, and the ability to learn, its boundaries are not always clear, and it can oscillate between Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft. There is also a tendency to focus on focus and efficiency.
extra info
titles: ["Brownian organizations", "Adaptive organizations", "Organizations where learning is passed on", "Markets and organizations", "Organizational cats", "Gracian and Brownian organizations", "Organizational boundaries", "Gesellschafts and Gemeinschafts", "Hatena2014-09-13", "Hatena2010- 01-22", "(0.1) Purpose of this book", "scarce must", "priority is determined by consistency"]
generated: 2023-09-02 15:38
previous notes
orange tissue
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