interplay (interplay) means interaction or mixture in English. It is often used as it is without translation as a term for jazz performance.インタープレイ

Most jazz performances are made up of interplay. But when the interplay is particularly noticeable in a performance, it is called “great interplay”, etc. src

A stimulates B to do something about it.withdraw ことだと思った/villagepump/issac.icon The parts of B that have not yet been revealed become visible through the action of A (src: /unnamed-project/interplay)

  • A is also stimulated by this elicited output of B
    • It brings out parts of you that weren’t apparent.
nishio.icon - I'm not familiar with jazz, but from what I've gleaned, it seems important not to have a [/unnamed-project/master and guest]( and guest) relationship. - > resistance to the creation of [[Implicit Roles]] (src: [[discomfort with separating ideas and discussion with rules#637b6c0ee1daa50000641aac|637b6c0ee1daa50000641aac]]) - I think this resistance is related.

from /villagepump/interplay

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/interplay using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.