Aο- one of the specific events in the original system (starting system) (issue to be cleared or other model)
Bτ - Event (invention, completion of development) that appeared in the transformation system (attained system)
vi - Perspective (angle or position from which to look at things, direction of thinking: choose one perspective that fits your development objectives)
ε - abstract elements extracted from Aο under one perspective (the core of things, the center of desire)
c - limiting conditions that give concreteness to abstract elements
cε - concept (idea) at the core of embodied development
Σa - a special set of conditions for the original system (unnecessary elements in the model, subject to disposal during development)
Special set of conditions for Σb-transformed systems (new elements required at the time of development, subject to introduction)
- Don’t think of it as a formula, it’s a picture.
- Well, “structural formula” is also a diagram, so “formula” doesn’t necessarily mean “equation.”
- This is easier to understand.
- All of the following emphasized analogical thinking - Ichikawa Kameyama, “Original Research Methodology” (1944). - polyethylene “How to solve the problem” (1945). - Wertheimer, “productive thinking” (1945).
- At the same time, the problem-solving method TRIZ by Outshuler was born in Russia (1946).
- Ichikawa: “How can analogy lead to the creation of new concepts when it is in principle mimetic thinking?”
- 1955 “Equivalent Conversion Thinking Method”
- The essence of creative thinking is determined by a pattern of thinking that conceptually processes one or both of two different objects, introduces an appropriate point of view, and finds as many of the various aspects (equivalence) common to both as possible” (“Creativity Research Vol. 1,” 1964, Seishinshobo, p. 20).
The “equivalence” may be related to what he said in “Experiential Processes and the Creation of Meaning” where he said that “Aspects of Experience can be found between two meanings.
- Is this what you mean?
- Criticizes the tendency of analogies to be biased toward superficial features.
- Talking about how to do abstraction.
- I wonder if they thought to verbalize the analogy process in more detail so that it could be consciously implemented.
- The story of how to explore departure system A
- What is a “point of view”?
- Direction of resolution.”
- I thought it was “the two images appear to overlap depending on the viewing direction”, but I guess not.
- The Nature of the Problem.”
- Verbalize your point of view.”
- interesting
- The idea is similar to “verb form rather than noun form.”
- Verbalize your point of view.”
- Ah, I see. This is “how and what happens.”
- Situations where you can answer [What would you like to see happen?
- Look for examples that include “what happens.”
- Remove irrelevant features from the “how” part of that case study.
- Then add the characteristics of the problem area
- Abstract and apply
- Climbing down metaphor by Yotaro Hatamura.
- Abstract and apply
- The “P” in the figure is the P of PDCA.
- One of the methods of [How to generate the first P
- Since the PDCA cycle has not yet been born from time to time
- The analogy makes this process one step that isn’t specifically verbalized.
- Are you saying “it’s not an analogy” in reference to the fact that it was verbalized and divided into steps?
- Because analogies deal with similarity through non-verbal methods, they tend to be biased toward superficial similarities, such as similarities in appearance.
- Did you try to eliminate bias by verbalizing the steps and consciously doing so?
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