- Need to create contextual prototype in Regroup.
- Up until now, my image of “prototype” was mainly functional prototype, and sometimes I was concerned about how it looked.
- I took a walk and told my wife that I was going to
- I’m interested in increasing human intellectual productivity.”
- When you have a lot of information, you want to organize it.”
- He got a tsk tsk when I said, “Too abstract.
- File first lol
- Specific usages include
- A: When compiling a report, presentation material, or book, first write down the fragments that will become the seeds, and then use them in the process of thinking about how to explain them.
- B: Use to combine fragments obtained while reading a book to create a reading notebook
- I personally do both, but since A is the more frequent one, it was decided that it would be better to talk about A first.
fragment description
Increased intellectual productivity
State with lots of information
I want to organize.
Too abstract.
Putting the story together
writing (e.g. as a profession)
Write down the fragments first
Seeds of Ideas
Arrange them two-dimensionally.
Finding the Story
Think about how you would explain it.
Read Books
Just reading about it doesn’t make it flesh and blood.
It’s pointless to write down an excerpt if you don’t read it back.
Make a reading notebook
Organizing becomes useful knowledge.
Structuring fragments
The Intellectual Production of Engineers
Technology Supporting Coding
Methods actually used in writing
paper and pen
Write on paper with a pen
text filling
close (a shop)
Size is the degree of importance
Mechanisms for prominence of important items
Fill in the above text
move (e.g. feeling)
Fold groups, make stickies larger, etc.
If you were to describe this application in one line, what would it be?
- whiteboard
- To express in a nutshell that text can be poured in
- Maybe “a whiteboard app that imports 100 lines of text with 100 post-its on it.”
- What is this?
- 100 lines of text
- import
- 100 post-its
- It’s going to be stuck.
- whiteboard
Add Import
Purpose” and “What is it for?” Add
I don’t know if more use cases is the right thing to do, but I just thought of another one.
- Minutes discussed by more than one person
- Various opinions from different perspectives on the agenda get lost in translation.
- Import and organize each opinion into fragments.
Software to help organize information.”
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/文脈プロト作成過程 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.