- naive theory and constructive interaction
- It is said to be written in Introduction to Educational Psychology.
- Kaizen Journey P.52
- More on that later.
I hit the original source.
- Introduction to Educational Psychology P.15
- social structure of knowledge and understanding
- context
The child has a naive theory.
Highly abstract scientific concepts are not directly experienced by children.
- An object will move with constant velocity if no force is applied to it.”
- What we actually observe is, “If you throw a ball, it will bend and fly,” and “A ball you roll will eventually stop.”
- Because the situation of “no force being applied to an object” is rare.
- An object will move with constant velocity if no force is applied to it.”
When a teacher gives a “clear explanation” in school, “Bubble type understanding” occurs.
- It is the only independent, empirically unconnected understanding.
- This kind of knowledge disappears quickly.
These scientific concepts are “socially constructed” through discussions, hypotheses, and experiments.
- This “social construction” is done through “dialogue” in the learning environment.
- This is the “model of learning” that this book conveys
Also related to [abstraction
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