@rootport: ~September 2022-. Professional cartoonist: “AI is useless because it can’t draw pictures that specify character poses; maybe within five years it will be able to 💦.” ~5 months later 🤖“Nice to meet you, ControlNet! It runs on StableDiffusion! You can set the bones and draw your character✨” @rootport: in this neighborhood, what you feel “could be done within 5 years” can be done within 5 months at the latest, or 5 days at the earliest. It’s going to be done within 5 months at the latest, 5 days at the earliest…
- 2023-01-01 from [/villagepump/generate Mr. AI Qualia at the well](https://scrapbox.io/villagepump/generate Mr. AI Qualia at the well).
- If I collected all of my well-wishing posts in the first place, I wonder if I could get someone to make a tweak that sounds like me.
- …I’m starting to think this is “surprisingly doable.” I’m starting to get the feeling that…
- I don’t feel like doing it too much because I think I’ll still be alive for the foreseeable future.
- ↑I’m curious about how up feels.
- Not comfortable doing it or not that interested?
- I’ll probably still be alive in 5 years, and it should be a lot easier in 5 years, so I feel like I don’t have to do it now.
- I see, indeed.
- I see, indeed.
- ↑I’m curious about how up feels.
- If I collected all of my well-wishing posts in the first place, I wonder if I could get someone to make a tweak that sounds like me.
- 2023-02-17 from [/villagepump/Bing AI to answer questions based on specific Scrapbox contents](https://scrapbox.io/villagepump/Bing AI to answer questions based on specific Scrapbox contents)
I’m thinking that it should be a lot easier in 5 years, so I don’t have to do it now.
- It got easier in a few months, not five years later.
- It got easier in a few months, not five years later.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/5年以内にはできるかもと感じたことが、5カ月以内にできるようになる using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.