2023-10-07 22:26
. The note “Weaknesses to be overcome → Courage needed for growth” illustrates the idea that overcoming weaknesses produces the courage needed for growth.
Fragments “Courage”, “Courage to Hate”, “Breeze”, “Knowledge and Courage”, “How to Train Resilience”, “Hatena2010-05-18”, “Courage to Open the Door to Options”, “Progress is made where difficult tasks are accomplished”, “Confidence”, “‘No confidence’ is too much confidence”, ” PLURAL MONEY: A NEW CURRENCY DESIGN” share themes of courage, confidence, challenge, and self-awareness.
Breeze” emphasizes the importance of courage in overcoming challenges and moving forward. Knowledge and Courage states that knowledge and courage are elements of greatness. How to Build Resilience suggests ways to build self-efficacy. Hatena2010-05-18” stresses the importance of recognizing and overcoming one’s shortcomings. Courage to Open the Door to Options” emphasizes the importance of having the courage to open options. Progress is made in accomplishing difficult tasks” states that accomplishing difficult tasks leads to progress. Confidence” states that confidence contributes to the quality of deliverables. Lack of confidence is overconfidence,” explains that overconfidence is the cause of self-doubt.
These fragments relate to the theme of the note, which is to overcome weakness and generate the courage necessary for growth. Each emphasizes the elements necessary for growth, such as having courage and confidence, recognizing and overcoming one’s own shortcomings, and overcoming difficulties.
summary of thoughts
Overcoming weakness is a process of self-awareness and self-improvement, which generates the courage necessary for growth. In addition, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties, and recognizing and overcoming one’s own shortcomings all contribute to growth.
. The Courage to Overcome Weakness: The Path to Growth.”
extra info
TITLES: ["Encouragement", "Courage to Hate", "Breeze", "Knowledge and Courage", "How to Train Resilience", "Hatena2010-05-18", "Courage to Open the Door to Options", "Progress is made where difficult work is accomplished", "Confidence", ""No confidence" is confidence Too much.", "PLURAL MONEY: A NEW CURRENCY DESIGN"]
- have a burst of courage
- The Courage to be Disliked Breeze
- Knowledge and Courage
- How to Develop Resilience Hatena2010-05-18
- Courage to open the door to choices
- Progress is made where difficult tasks are accomplished.
- confidence (in oneself)
- Not confident” is overconfident. PLURAL MONEY: A NEW CURRENCY DESIGN fragments
### Encouragement
have a burst of courage
### The Courage to Be Disliked
The Courage to be Disliked
Related: [Adlerian psychology].
### Breeze
> I've walked a road steeper than a beast, and still
Determined to take on even more difficult situations.
> Never give up, never lose heart
Maintain strength of mind and hope in the face of any difficulties.
> If you can find your tiny self
Recognize and accept your smallness and imperfection.
> I'm not hurt, and I'm not afraid of tomorrow.
Overcoming fear and uncertainty about the future through inner strength and courage.
Relationships between paragraphs:.
Throughout the poem, one is depicted as struggling between the desire to fly free and to continue pursuing one's dreams and hopes, and the harshness, hesitation, and loneliness of reality. Nonetheless, the importance of continuing to move forward with courage and determination is emphasized.
Look at the whole thing and find a new meaning.
The process of human life is a journey in pursuit of dreams and hopes, and it is only by overcoming the doubts, loneliness, and difficulties along the way that one can find true freedom and meaning. Courage and determination are important wings and guidelines in that journey.
Soft title:.
Wings of Dreams in the Wind."
### Knowledge and Courage
Knowledge and Courage
from [The Art of Worldly Wisdom]
Knowledge and Courage
Knowledge and courage are the elements of greatness. They confer immortality. For they are immortal. Each does as much as he knows, and the wise can do anything. Man without knowledge, the world without light. Wisdom and strength, eyes and hands. [Knowledge without courage is barren].
### How to Develop Resilience
I wrote a feature article on the 22nd, something like "Confidence comes from results, so we must first take action toward results.
I think it's about [how engineers learn] #howengineerslearn
The highest priority for personal growth is the Pursuit of Excellence. From there comes fulfillment and confidence." Drucker
How to build self-efficacy that this book introduces
[success story]
Proxy experience by observing the experience of others who are successful #Successful proxy experience
Positive implication from others # Positive implication
[physiological euphoria]
>Speedy Reading Practice "How to Train Resilience"
>"The world's elite value more than IQ and education!" I read this book and wondered what it was about because I've never heard of the term at all, despite the incendiary phrase "the world's elite value IQ and education more than IQ and education! I read about how to overcome the feeling of "avoiding action for fear of failure," how to create self-efficacy, how to escape from learned helplessness, and what to watch out for in order not to be hurt by failure but to learn from it.
>In my feature article on the 22nd, I wrote, "Confidence comes from achievement, so we must first take action to achieve results. But people with extremely low self-efficacy respond by saying, "That's because I'm a successful person, and I won't succeed even if I take action. The book introduces four ways to create self-efficacy, one of which is to experience success, and the other three are "vicarious experience by observing the experiences of others who are successful," "positive suggestion from others," and "physiological upliftment.
### Hatena2010-05-18
Know your greatest shortcoming. Pay as much attention to it yourself as you do to those who condemn you for it. And overcome them.
Few words are the mark of the gifted. Silence comes from self-control. The silent one is the true winner. You must do what you do for those to whom you reveal your innermost feelings. The more people you have to deal with, the heavier the burden becomes.
Aim for perfection as a human being. No one is born in a state of perfection.
When starting something you don't know, take the surest path. You won't be called original, but you will be called solid. Taking risks without knowing anything is a path to ruin. v.s. You have to be first. Other things being equal, the advantage of the first to act is unassailable. The extraordinary person makes a name for himself by devising new means. But he must proceed with prudence and safety in his adventures.
Some people have a hard time making up their minds and need the encouragement of others. Often it is not that they are unsure of their decisions, but that they lack the ability to make them.
Don't be at heart with your own negligence. If you do something foolish, at first it can be dismissed as carelessness. If you keep on doing stupid things, you will be considered a real fool.
### Courage to open the door to choices
Courage to open the door to choices
>When I think of my child's future, I think of a state of many possibilities and options. ...
> So, I don't think it's a question of fewer options when you grow up. ...
> I think it is not the options that are diminishing, but the courage to open those doors.
> I recently made a new friend who is older than me, and she is always boldly opening doors and moving forward. If she opened the wrong door, she would come back and say, "I made a mistake! She would come back and say, "I made a mistake!
> ...Anyway, I open doors all the time. Seeing that, I thought that what I lack is not choice, but courage.
[Courage to open the door] in [options].
[Doors of Choice] to [Courage to open]
[Parable of the Doors]
### Progress is made where difficult tasks are accomplished.
Progress is made where difficult tasks are accomplished.
[Achievement of one job fosters both people and teams.]
### Confidence
confidence (in oneself)
If confidence contributes positively to the quality of the deliverables,
Their success will further increase their confidence [positive feedback].
This is especially true for [Presentation].
On the other hand, negative because the process of "doubting and breaking down the [assumption] we have now" cannot be turned around when it comes to thinking.
### "Not confident" is too confident.
The reason people lose confidence is that they have too much confidence.
When one thinks he or she can finish this level of work in a jiffy, but it doesn't work out when he or she actually does it, one loses confidence.
You think, "I'm going to give an outstanding speech," and then you actually don't speak well, and you lose confidence.
The delusional self is too wonderful to be true, so it tries to behave the way its "delusional wonderful self" behaves and suffers because it can't.
The reason you say, "I'm not confident in my work," is because you have delusions in your head of miraculous success. You can only do what you can do in reality. You can only do what you can do. Aim for a state in which you feel that you have done your best.
After all, I had too much [confidence (in myself)] and a [false self-image] that I could write smoothly if I wanted to. However, when I actually started writing, I struggled and could not finish it in the scheduled time. Then, in order to distract themselves from the "inconvenient truth," they unconsciously avoid writing itself. This is how so-called "[escapism]" occurs.
Early [Buddhism] seems to have a life-hack aspect of how to control these "bad feelings". Interesting.
[Matt Prewitt]
[Plural Money: A New Currency Design - RadicalxChange]
[SALSA] ("Self Assessment License Sold at Auction") is a form of partial co-ownership
generated: 2023-10-07 22:26
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