Use the same or similar object as part of itself.
Nested, one of TRIZ. A telescoping antenna.
Software-wise recursive call. Quick sort, merge sort. Tree traversal.
Prohibition of revisiting by cache. Dynamic Programming. DAG.
Old ID: 1001 nesting. #Blind spot card 15 BELOW_IS_AI_GENERATED
2023-09-05 00:28
Summary of notes
. It explores the idea of using the same or similar things as part of itself. This is part of nesting and TRIZ and is expressed in software as recursive calls. Also related is the prohibition of caching revisits, dynamic programming, and DAG.
Relation to Fragment
. The fragment “What I thought when I drew TRIZ again” is related to the note. The note discusses the concept of nesting as part of TRIZ, and the fragment mentions TRIZ abstraction. They share a common theme of exploring the idea of using the same or similar things as part of itself.
deep thinking
Concepts such as nesting and recursive calls play an important role in problem solving and creative thinking. They allow for an approach in which a complex problem is broken down into smaller parts, each of which is solved individually to find a solution to the whole. This way of thinking is useful in many fields, not just software development.
summary of thoughts and title
. The concepts of nesting and recursive calls are valid methods for solving complex problems.” Title: “Nesting and Recursive Calling: An Approach to Solving Complex Problems”
extra info
TITLES: ["Tarot", "Ideation Tarot", "Blind Spot Cards", "Blind Spot Card Candidates", "Stages of Resolution", "Build up from the water", "Regroup20191202"]
generated: 2023-09-05 00:28
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