Keichobot is a tool that encourages CIRCUMLOCUTION by asking questions to non-parallel symbolic representations, thereby increasing RELEVANCE and COMPREHENSION of felt sense.
If this is the case, then, of course, a felt sense must already exist.
I was initially thinking, “There are people who cannot make stickies using the KJ method, and even if they use electronic KJ tools, they stumble when making their first sticky, so I’ll ask them about it in chat and try to help them”, but in the end I concluded that such people cannot use Keichobot?
And since Keichobot is a support tool for COMPREHENSION, it does not support, for example, reading esoteric books and understanding them (making felt sense out of an unfamiliar sequence of symbols METAPHOR). But isn’t there a demand for this?
Is there a tool to support this? But I think that the KJ method, as I call it here, is a very different thing from the KJ method, even if it retains the essence of the KJ method, so I will put aside the symbol “KJ method” and not think about what “it” is.
Oh, this is clearly an indication of Keichobot because it’s clearly a “I already have a felt sense in me, and now I’m calling it the ‘KJ method,’ but I don’t think that’s the proper term” situation.
Oh, I made a mistake. I was trying to find a word to replace “KJ method,” but I ended up talking about “adding features to Kozaneba.” Why not just call it “Kozaneba”?
relevance - Tools to enhance cognitive abilities
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