from [/villagepump/ One of the reasons that the well is working so well is that there seems to be more than one person to cut out]( One of the reasons that the well is working so well is that there seems to be more than one person to cut out).
from 01
One of the reasons the well is working so well seems to be that there is more than one person to cut out
- Not dependent on any particular person.
- The cutting process itself is entertaining.
- He said, “That’s how you cut it out.”margin for pasting together (e.g. two pieces of paper) を書き足したりしてるな
- Cunningham’s law の一種かな?(わかりにくいと感じる切り出しについて、修正をしてしまう)
- We’ve talked about diaries being killer content for well-wishers, and New pages that grow in the form of cutouts. I think that’s having a good effect.
- It’s not so good when the diary just flows away.
- Hot Factories と呼んでみたりしてる
- Hot Factories と呼んでみたりしてる
- 62490eb26eb40600002e1796にも言及あり
The well-wisher’s joint diary also gives the impression of flowing, but the best contents are cut out and become a page and stock information.
Is it a good thing that this can be done seamlessly in a well co-diary?
- He said, “That’s how you cut it out.”margin for pasting together (e.g. two pieces of paper) を書き足したりしてるな
I have the impression that it is only very recently that they are being cut out more often.
At least in 2022 it wasn’t that frequent.
WikiGnomeによる bracketing は2022にもよく行われていた気がする?
- I have the impression that bracketing has been done since the early days.
- I don’t think there were too many people in the first phase, so it wasn’t that bad.
- I have the impression that bracketing has been done since the early days.
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