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[Attacking the unfamiliar without looking at it properly.
On the case of attacking something unfamiliar without looking at it properly
- This is A’s Observation coverage issues.
- The range of observation is too small to see much about the subject.
- The view from a person with a wide range of observation
- Mr. A attacked “something I don’t understand”.
- That’s “not clear” is subjective to Mr. A.
- Most things in the world involve humans, so most attacks hit humans.
- From Mr. B, it appears that he was attacked.
- Mr. C, who was watching from the sidelines, thinks, “Mr. A is attacking Mr. B. This is not good.
- Mr. C builds a wall to protect Mr. B.
- The metaphor of “building a wall.”
- Do not create opportunities for contact.
- For example, let’s say that Mr. D, who is unaware of this exchange, thinks that it might be a good idea to invite Mr. A to a certain community.
- Let’s say Mr. B belongs to this community, and Mr. C advises him, “No, Mr. A shouldn’t do this because this is what happened.
- Then Mr. D would say, “Oh, well, I’ll stop then!” and “Oh, well, I’m not going to do that!
- Weak reasons like “it would be interesting to see” are easily dismissed when there are specific problems like this.
- Mr. D doesn’t want to stand on Mr. A’s side of this tangle, either.
- In this diagram, Mr. B is drawn as if he were a single person for ease of depiction.
- In reality, Mr. A’s attacks often involve a large number of people, like shotgun.
- Mr. C.: “Hey, hey, you just attacked about 20 million people, do you understand?”
- Many doors of possibility are locked at once.
relevance - shotgun - Vague words are shotguns. - They retaliate with a shotgun attack.
This consideration is still insufficient
People who bite those around them at random. - mad dog
- I’m not going anywhere near you.
- “Don’t let him get close to danger.
Why does behavior like Mr. A’s happen? - Conflict only occurs between those on the same level.
- In a community of like-minded individuals, as soon as you attack, there’s blowback.
- Mistaking the lack of counterattacks coming for strength.
Smallness of the world
- Because eliminating people is expensive. less than a second per person. There are a lot of humans out there. Exclude aggressive people. Attacks reduce productivity.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/詳しくないものを攻撃する人の世界は狭くなる using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.