from Diary 2024-08-26 People who do new things basically prefer to go on their own in Forest without Rails rather than to go on the rails created by existing values. So even if there were “useful values,” it would be hard to get in if an older authority taught that these are useful values.

  • You have to talk to older people who are closer to your age, or you have to discover it yourself.
    • I thought this as I watched the LT by an alumnus of Unexplored Jr.
    • We’ve been talking about Minimum Viable Product or Eariest Testable Product from the beginning, but it hasn’t stuck.
    • After experiencing the fact that the user test was not completed by the deadline, it makes sense to see a presentation by an alumnus who is close to your age.
  • I’ve seen some negativity about “entrepreneurship education,” and that seems to be related to this.
    • I can educate you on taxation, procurement and other know-how,
    • You can’t teach the fundamental “entrepreneurial mindset” thing.
    • Teaching may seem like reproduction, but it’s only a superficial imitation.

The mindset to create something new cannot be educated.

relevance - Innovation cannot be planned, but people who are likely to generate innovation can be nurtured. - > Let the pompous people discover the pompous people, and cluster them together. Then innovation will happen on its own through mutual inspiration and cross-fertilization.

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