from KJ method Let the chaos speak for itself p.499
The fundamental tragedy of civilization is that it suppressed creativity and prevented participation of the people.
Civilization fails to meet the demands of creativity, and the loss of a sense of purpose in life occurs as society becomes more managed.
[Development of creativity and participatory society are necessary to avoid authoritarian socialization.
The KJ method philosophy and technology play an important role in this.
Since the 1960s, the Japanese corporate world has pursued the development of creativity and organizational participation
- The concepts of “raison d’être” and “participation” are important.
- The “purpose in life” is a reflection of the progress of managerial socialization and a sense of crisis.
- Participation” emphasizes independence and is not just a translation of “participation.
Participation is an ancient Japanese term that emphasizes independence and [assertiveness
- True participation is based on individual proactive action and [self-recognition
- Participation” means [to act actively on one’s own volition
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