- [[two dimensional standard normal distribution]] is difficult to draw by hand
- <img src='https://scrapbox.io/api/pages/nishio/二次元標準正規分布/icon' alt='二次元標準正規分布.icon' height="19.5"/>
- I'd draw it in circles.
Drawing a set of people in a circle leads to the misperception that “boundary clearly exists.
This can also be called “false dichotomy.
- There is no clear boundary between “inside” and “outside,” yet we assume there is.
I’d like to come up with a few more examples, rather than just this one example that you’re making a page called “easy drawing bias”.
Associations: Ease of Explanation and Stop Thinking.
While working on this problem, the expression Dark Thin Circle Diagram was born, which is useful.
- I noticed in Diary 2023-12-17 that Venn diagram notation for knowledge and Pyramid notation of knowledge are simplified versions of knowledge network notation.
- from 64fad08faff09e00006f994b
- Hmmm, the implicit assumption that you drew a circle in explaining this is also incorrect.
- Actually Spiny spikes in higher dimensional space.
- Related: Assumption that it is a circle.
- Hmmm, the implicit assumption that you drew a circle in explaining this is also incorrect.
2023-12-29 - Hitokobu’s painting is “an easy-to-paint painting bias.”
2024-08-14 - The trap of representing a Venn diagram as a circle
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/描きやすい絵のバイアス using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.