There is a pattern that serial entrepreneurs get into, “Neglecting small business opportunities”, so I want to keep that in mind. The Innovation Dilemma” as they say in big business. I think there is another axis, which is the case that as one’s network of contacts grows and friends of various entrepreneurs increase, one sometimes thinks, “I hope I don’t have to do it myself in this area,” and the necessary “Subjective Assumptions” are not generated in the early stages of business creation. I think there are sometimes cases where the “Subjective Assumptions” necessary in the early stages of business creation are not generated. Nobuhiro Ariyasu Twitter

The idea that “Mr. X is better at this than me, so I don’t have to do it myself” often appears, so I caution myself against it. If you don’t do it because you’re not that interested, that’s fine. If you are interested but think “Mr. X is better at this” and let it disappear without taking any action. It would just be “Looking for reasons not to”.

  • I want to find something that I can have passion for.

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