Scrapbox information sorting art
- The act of Organizing Information itself is classified into three categories according to its history.
Scrapbox is “card-type smooth Wiki.
- level and flat
- Information Organization 1.0
- Hierarchy fits
- Not suitable for storing items that have multiple roles or whose roles are not known in advance
- Information Organization 2.0
- Information Organization 3.0
- hyperlink
- Connecting by Link : Hierarchy is irrelevant
- You can follow the link.
- If it is a reference by link, it can be placed on either side.
Also related to shortcut and [symbolic link
- Information is relevant.
- When certain information is used, information that is related to that information is also likely to be used.
Scrapbox is a
- Project as a place to put = Information Organization 1.0
- Pages are arranged flat = Information Organization 2.0
- Pages are connected to each other by links = Information Organization 3.0
Knowledge can change structure when added
Hesitant because it does not match the hierarchical structure, the hierarchy itself has to be rebuilt, and it is expensive.
Cost of Structural Change] due to additional knowledge must be low
- I also wrote in The Intellectual Production of Engineers p.159 [Disadvantages of creating classification criteria in advance
Information and Order Knowledge and know-how are embodied in people and their networks.
p.132 Column Role of Trees and Networks.
- Comparison of the roles of networked Scrapbox and tree-based books
- Meaning cannot be fixed without an array.
- making finite and Array Determination
- The second half of the KJ method process involves converting a two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array, which is exactly what is done.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Scrapbox情報整理術 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.