Summarize the elemental technologies of Regroup made in 2019: pRegroup-done-2019.

  • cf. Technologies to be learned on the React axis in 2020

  • TypeScript+React+Webpack

  • paper.js

    • pass draw] in HTMLCanvasElememt
    • Smoothing out the written lines is thrown into this.
      • I hate rattling lines, so the smoothness of this feature on the iPad was a deciding factor in my decision to use this.
      • [The shape of the path is wrong.
      • strokeCap = “round”
      • lineJoin = “round”
    • The lasso selection is accomplished by a boolean operation on the path. - Lasso selection of stickies and paths
  • Firestore

    • Document-oriented DB + Subscription via [Websocket
    • A listener is called when a value on the server changes, making it easy to prototype a small information-sharing application.
    • They accumulate it offline locally and save it when they get online.
      • However, don’t be alarmed if you reload the browser, as it will be lost and will not resolve conflicts during co-editing, etc.
  • hosting

    • It was just static hosting, so I’m plugging it into Amazon S3 and serving it over HTTP.
    • It would be nice to use something like Netlify, which I learned about later.
      • npm i -g netlify-cli and upload the directory specified by netlify deploy -d public —prod to netlify

      • Deployed static sites are deployed on CDN

      • A hashed URL is generated for each build, and if the deploy ID is known, the current one can be accessed.

      • It also includes FaaS like Firebase Function. The contents are AWS Lambda

      • 2020, Technologies to Learn on the React Axis - mizchi’s blog
  • Apple pencil

  • Smooth scaling

    • The goal was to digitize the KJ method, which is done with a desk and sticky notes, so it was necessary to be able to smoothly zoom in and out and move around with about 200 sticky notes out on the iPad.
    • At the start of the two-finger gesture, the contents of the Canvas are set to HTMLImageElememt and left to the browser’s own rendering instead of JS
    • Related: Zoom and translate with two-finger gesture.
  • React-like state management

    • How state updates cause the view to be redrawn
    • Do not update state objects destructively
      • Because changes in status are judged by identity, not content
    • Incompatible with tree representation of parent-child relationship of drawing target
      • Destructive updating is not possible, so if a child is updated, all ancestors must be updated as well.
      • So implemented.
      • Is that good enough?
    • React-like state of React function components is function scope
      • Pass update functions to child components as arguments
      • I want to update it in the mouse event handler, so I need to pass it there, but it’s a hassle.
    • I’m a little confused about how to handle this situation, and it’s not a very good design.
  • UNDO implementation

    • We consider it an essential feature.
    • It simply keeps a history of all snapshots.
    • React state updates and UNDO units were identical, but this is not good
    • The granularity of UNDOs natural to humans is different from the basic unit of state update
      • For example, if you select multiple objects and move them:.
        • A natural implementation of state update is to perform “one object position update” on the selected object.
        • If we make this update unit the unit of UNDO, “one object returns to its original position.”
        • This is not natural to man.
  • Image Handling - canvas pollution Issue. - I can display images on other servers. - Some response headers make subsequent export impossible (security restrictions)

    • Image blinking problem
      • There is a difference in behavior between Chrome and Safari (and Chrome on iPad).
      • When redrawing a map with an image on it that is subsequently edited, Safari discards the local image and fetches it from the net.
        • As a result, all image stickies blink on every move.
      • This can be suppressed by making sure that the response header is well cached.
      • Canvas Pollution Solution Edition
      • Create a proxy server to solve both problems
  • screen size - Using Conditional Branches, Variables, and Calculations with CSS - 100vh, it sticks out vertically. - Menu icons stick out on narrow screens such as iPhone

  • zoom - If you draw with a pen while zoomed out, it rattles. - Keep the line thickness constant.

  • mouse event


This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Regroup2019の技術まとめ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.