from /unnamed-project/plants-metaphors-atomization.
Plant metaphors are often used as symbols of the natural world to express the various thoughts and emotions people feel.
Summary The Plant Metaphors offer a rich array of words and images that symbolize our minds, emotions, growth, and change. Through these metaphors, we are offered a new perspective from which to feel our connection to the natural world and ourselves, and to understand the many and varied aspects of life.
Editor’s Postscript
Since it is an accumulation of fragmentary descriptions, I gave the whole thing to GPT4 to make it into an article.
- Now that the headings are in place, I distributed the bullet points.
- 2023-08-30 /nishio transplanted and chopped
Remaining fragments
- dull and uninteresting さの解決のために thumbnail (i.e. miniature image) を作った
- +10<img src=‘’9483/icon’ alt=‘/unnamed-project/yits-khawk’9483.icon’ height=“19.5”/>
from chat 4: Hesitantly placing Jenga back on the stack.
Botanical Metaphors Atsume
Read the previous chat page off the top of your head, transplanting seedlings that seem to grow.
- There’s no point in rushing.
- Only grows at the proper growth rate; if you pull it too hard, it will die.
The words that I have written are the shape of a water stalk that flows and stops.
I didn’t want to make a page titled “Plant Metaphors,” so I put it here, but there’s a lot more here than I thought there would be.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/植物のメタファーあつめ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.