[/nota-techconf/Day2 Questions and Chat Corner#6048acd579d3a900009a6181](https://scrapbox.io/nota-techconf/Day2 Questions and Chat Corner#6048acd579d3a900009a6181)
- Gyazo is GitHub Issues as much as possible.
- Helpfeel manages tasks with Scrapbox
- You can use pictograms in the title of the Scrapbox to indicate the situation.
- Put task status in [/takker/page title](https://scrapbox.io/takker/page title).
- If you put the pictogram at the top, it is nice to have the task status aligned to the left most!
[✅ Attach feature A to Helpfeel].
[📝 Add feature B to Helpfeel].
[⬜️ Helpfeel with feature C]
[Unbreakable link function] allows you to change the status at once.
- Slack for instructions, server reboots, and other announcements
- I do consult with them on Slack.
- Move to Scrapbox when things get complicated.
- Especially the discussion of specifications is impossible without writing it down and looking at it because so many things are involved.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Notaのコミュニケーション using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.