- genealogy (the study) of morals
- Moral Genealogy
- Nietzsche , Hajime Nakayama
Nietzsche’s goal was not merely to overthrow the concept of moral good and evil, but to overthrow the fundamental values of Western civilization, to criticize not only modern philosophy but also learning as “dependent on a metaphysical faith. Now, for the first time, Nietzsche can be understood in a definitive translation! - Academia also relies on faith.
preface - The self-recognition conundrum - Tree of Recognition - a priori question
- A Prehistory of Moral Genealogy
- Philosophy of [sympathy
- The Dangers of Morality
- [The Importance of A History of Morality
- Practice of [reading comprehension
- A Prehistory of Moral Genealogy
The first paper, “good and evil” and “The Good and the Bad”
- Achievements in British Psychological Moral Research
- Origin of the concepts of “good” and “bad
- Hypothesis for [usefulness
- etymology of the words good and bad
- Dangerous Conversion in the Pastoral Class
- The concept of clean and unclean
- Value Transformation by Jews
- The “tool” called Jesus
- Role of the Association
- Human characteristics of [ressentiment
- Noble and mediocre species
- The Magic of the Ideal Manufacturing Plant - How ideal is created
- Heaven and Hell
- war between Rome and Judea
- Tacitus, “Chronicles”: “Rome vs. Judea, Judea vs. Rome”
- Future Issues
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