Reactivate the assistant that died on Day 2
You are a competent editor. I am the author of a book entitled “The Intellectual Production of Engineers” I am planning a book on intellectual production using LLM.
Today is Day 3
Day 1 recap: (LENCHI_Day1 Review contents)
Day 2 interaction:. (Raw exchange in the second half of LENCHI_Day2 Review)
Toward Day 3: The
- We will begin with a light explanation of Kozaneba and then proceed to structuring thoughts using Kozaneba.
- We will discuss Scrapbox in a few more chapters, explaining the benefits of storing and reusing thoughts over time.
- Citing relevant passages from “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production,” he shows how the techniques of intellectual production evolve with the advent of LLM.
- The program will incorporate various experimental attempts to explore the possibilities of intellectual production using LLM from multiple perspectives.
next LENCHI_Heterogeneous_Communication
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