Review of Day 2 and handover for Day 3
Yes, let’s review Day 2 and carry over to Day 3.
Day 2 review:.
- generated sentences connecting the end of Chapter 1 and the beginning of Chapter 2 to set the overall flow.
- the title of the second chapter was changed to “Accelerating Intellectual Production with Digital Tools” to simply express the contents of the chapter.
- clarified the content of Chapter 2, which is to accelerate the idea generation process discussed in Chapter 1 using digital tools such as Kozaneba and Scrapbox.
- reinterpreted the role of Kozaneba and Scrapbox mentioned in “The Intellectual Production of Engineers” in the context of the idea generation process.
- the structure is designed to discuss the advancement of intellectual production with digital tools, with specific practical examples.
Transfer to Day 3:.
- book concept: to explore the art of intellectual production using LLM through practice, and to present a new model of intellectual production.
- purpose of the book and problem statement: to question the nature of intellectual production in the age of LLM and to explore methodologies for utilizing LLM as a partner in intellectual production.
- progress to date: Chapter 1 discussed the three phases of idea generation and Chapter 2 the role of digital tools to accelerate it.
- author’s background: The discussion is based on Nishio’s previous writings and his interest in and practical experience with LLM.
- policy for working with LLMs: To position LLMs not as mere tools but as partners in intellectual production and to help them realize their potential.
- content and positioning of each chapter: clarify the role of each chapter in the overall flow, e.g. Chapter 1 (3 phases of idea generation), Chapter 2 (use of digital tools), etc.
- details of the process of working with LLMs: dialogue logs in the writing of each chapter and the findings and insights gained from them will be included as examples of specific practices.
- the social significance of this book: To look at the social impact of the transformation of intellectual production brought about by LLM, and to present a desirable vision of the future.
In Day 3, we will probably continue to work on Chapter 2 and plan for Chapter 3 and beyond. Let’s continue to explore the possibilities of intellectual production using LLM, and aim to complete a valuable book that will share these possibilities with our readers.
What is happening. The problem is happening in front of the following events.
Reflections on Day 2: 1. Generated sentences connecting the end of Chapter 1 and the beginning of Chapter 2 to set the overall flow.
What I did. I poured over the contents of chapters 5 and 6 (p.144~p.220) of “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production.” It is amazing that I read it without error, but as a result, I forgot everything up to that point. So Chapter 1 (3 Phases of Idea Generation)” and so on. This is from “The Intellectual Production of Engineers,” p.180.
The long sentence pasted will look like the above, so let’s select a range of Day 2 content and give it as input to a new thread.
Review of Day 2 and handover for Day 3
Day 2 recap:
- The last part of the first chapter was modified to connect to the second chapter, referring to the insights gained from rethinking one’s own book through dialogue with LLM and to Kozaneba and Scrapbox, which will be dealt with in the next chapter.
- The second chapter was titled “Accelerating Intellectual Production with Digital Tools,” suggesting that the idea generation process discussed in the first chapter be streamlined with digital tools.
- At the beginning of Chapter 2, he reviewed the KJ method and introduced the concept of “digitization,” which was mentioned in “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production” He described Kozaneba and how it helps to improve the efficiency of idea generation.
- He also explained the usefulness of Scrapbox in the idea development phase, mentioning the concept of “interruptible design.
- He suggested that the use of Kozaneba and Scrapbox in the right places can enhance the idea generation required for intellectual production in the LLM era, and announced that he would show specific practical examples in the next section.
Transfer to Day 3:
- In the second half of Chapter 2, specific examples of intellectual production practices using Kozaneba and Scrapbox are presented. The effectiveness of these tools will be demonstrated with examples of the author’s own use.
- Provide workflow suggestions on how Kozaneba and Scrapbox can be effectively combined for each phase of idea generation and nurturing.
- We will discuss the possibility of using Kozaneba and Scrapbox together with LLM, and how the synergy between LLM and these tools can accelerate idea generation.
- Looking ahead to Chapter 3 and beyond, the report also provides a vision of new value creation beyond intellectual production using digital tools.
- We will incorporate dialogue with LLM throughout the book to help readers realize the benefits of LLM utilization. We will also try to present specific tips and techniques for utilizing LLM in intellectual production.
- It is a good idea to keep the above review and handover in mind as you proceed with the writing of Day 3 and beyond. While making steady progress, always keep an eye on the big picture and deepen the discussion.
Let’s see if we can get the input to the front of the PASTE in question.
Summarize this content.
This text is part of a dialogue with an LLM who talks with the author in the project of writing the book “The Intellectual Production of Engineers Using LLM”. The main contents are as follows
- Review of Day 1 and organizing information to be passed on to the new LLM.
- Create and prioritize a TODO list for writing.
- Generate a description of Claude 3 Opus by having GPT-4 search the Internet.
- Explanation of the relationship between the author’s previous works, “The Technology Behind Coding” and “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production.
- Organize keywords using Kozaneba in both the early and late stages of theory building.
- Explanation of Kozaneba and Scrapbox and suggestions on how to use them in this book.
- Discussion of ways to enhance the description, such as citing relevant passages from “The Engineer’s Guide to Intellectual Production” or introducing a related article on Scrapbox in a separate chat thread.
Overall, the book’s purpose is to explore the methodology of intellectual production using LLM and to inform the reader about the process, including examples of how the tools are used.
I have looked at your TODO list. There are indeed a wide variety of items, and they need to be prioritized and efficiently carried out. I think it would be a good idea to proceed as follows.
write a description of Claude 3 Opus - - Include a brief explanation where it first appears in the text. - - This is a high priority because it aids the reader’s understanding and allows for a smooth reading of the text.
write a description of the author’s previous works - - Since this information is important for understanding the background of this document, it is advisable to include an explanation as soon as possible. - - The “Technology Behind Coding” and “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production” will be discussed, focusing on their relevance to this book.
write a supplementary explanation of the author’s interest in LLM - - By explaining why the authors focused on LLM and how they have practiced it, the problem and direction of inquiry in this book will become clearer. - - However, the explanation should be brief enough to not significantly disrupt the flow of the text.
write a description of the Plurality Japanese Translation Forum - - The efforts of the Plurality Japanese Translation Forum as a forum for AI and human collaboration are closely related to the subject of this book. - - However, the explanation should be included at a time when it can be mentioned in a natural way in the flow of the text.
consider implementing a ⿻Plurality Assistant - - In the process of integrating past Scrapbox thinking, the ⿻Plurality Assistant may be useful. - - However, the timing of the introduction will be adjusted to coincide with the timing of the writing of the latter chapters.
write a commentary about Kozaneba and Scrapbox - - The description of the tools used in this book is important to help the reader understand them. - - However, the explanation should be brief enough not to interrupt the flow of the text, and details should be left to the notes and appendices.
organize keywords in Kozaneba - - It is useful to organize the extracted keywords in Kozaneba in order to derive a systematic methodology. - - However, since it is not a high priority, we will proceed little by little in between other tasks.
As described above, it is advisable to give priority to items directly related to the reader’s understanding, while adding explanations to the extent that they do not significantly disrupt the flow of the text. It would also be efficient to work on items that will become effective later in the writing process, such as the introduction of the ⿻Plurality Assistant and the organization of keywords in Kozaneba, by timing them appropriately.
If you proceed with the writing of this document while appropriately incorporating these TODOs, the content should be easy to understand and thought-provoking for the reader. We understand that you are busy with your work, but we hope that you will make steady progress to the extent that it is reasonable for you.
The description of Claude 3 Opus was generated by having GPT4 search the Internet. I had thought about writing it as a continuation chapter, but I was satisfied with the instruction “to explain it briefly at the first appearance”, so I did so. The reason I used GPT4 was to have it do a Bing search for reference.
What’s missing from the preface about the relationship between “the technology behind coding” and “the intellectual production techniques of engineers?”
I think it would be better to do Kozaneba at the present stage, when we have not yet seen anything, and update it later to visualize the “process of constructing a theory”.
What do you think?
I think it was a good decision to have GPT-4 search the internet to generate an explanation for Claude 3 Opus. It is a good decision to have GPT-4 generate the explanation of Claude 3 Opus by searching the Internet, as it provides an accurate explanation while keeping up-to-date information. It would also be effective to include a brief explanation at the first appearance to help the reader understand.
The relationship between “The Technology Behind Coding” and “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production” is mentioned to some extent in the preface, so a detailed explanation may not be necessary. However, there could be some additional information on how they are specifically related in the text. For example, it would be good to mention, as appropriate, how the intellectual production techniques presented in previous works will evolve through the use of LLM.
As for organizing keywords using Kozaneba, I think it is useful to try it once at this stage, as you mentioned. With nothing in sight yet, a bird’s eye view of the extracted keywords may generate new insights and ideas. Visualizing the process of assembling a theory from there will be interesting information for the reader. However, it would also be useful to use Kozaneba again to organize concepts once the theory has been assembled. By showing the process of theory elaboration, it should be possible to convey the depth of the discussion in this book.
In other words, Kozaneba should be utilized in both the early and late stages of theory building. In the initial stage, the purpose is to obtain new ideas from a bird’s-eye view of keywords, and in the later stage, the purpose is to organize and elaborate the constructed theory. By doing so, I believe Kozaneba will function more effectively as a tool to visualize the process of theory building.
We hope that you will update your TODO list accordingly in light of these points and proceed with the writing of this document.Claude 3 The explanation of Opus will be brief in appropriate places, with the help of GPT-4. References to previous works will be made in specific ways throughout the text, and Kozaneba will be utilized in both the early and late stages of the theory building process. Such a policy should make the content easy for the reader to understand and thought-provoking. We continue to support the work on this book, which has reached its climax.
Can you explain Kozaneba?
(Explanation of about 70 points)
Can you explain Scrapbox?
(about 80 points of explanation)
Next time, let’s start with a light explanation of Kozaneba and then move on to structuring thoughts using Kozaneba, and maybe talk a little more about Scrapbox and the benefits of storing thoughts for a long time and reusing them.
It seems like a good idea to proceed in that vein.
First, a light description of Kozaneba will give readers a basic understanding of the tool. Then, by showing the actual process of structuring thoughts using Kozaneba, we will be able to convey the specific ways in which Kozaneba can be used and its benefits.
The author’s detailed description of how he uses Kozaneba to organize keywords and ideas to get the big picture in the process of exploring intellectual production methodologies using LLM will be especially informative and thought-provoking for readers. The author’s practical examples will show how he uses Kozaneba to structure scattered information and gain new insights and ideas.
In addition, by depicting how Kozaneba is used differently in the early and late stages of theory building, we will be able to dynamically show how Kozaneba is useful in the process of intellectual production. If the process of scattering and convergence, divergence and integration of ideas can be visualized through the use of Kozaneba, the image of intellectual production will become more concrete for the reader.
Scrapbox, on the other hand, as you suggest, would be better addressed in a more forthcoming chapter. the most important feature of Scrapbox is the long-term accumulation and reuse of knowledge. By continuously recording fragmentary notes and ideas in Scrapbox and relating them, you can build your own personal knowledge base. This knowledge base becomes the source of new insights and ideas.
In the practice of intellectual production using LLM, it will be important to store the findings from daily dialogues and experiments in Scrapbox and refer to and reuse them as appropriate. By utilizing one’s past thinking in the present context, the quality of intellectual production should be enhanced.
The benefits of Scrapbox for long-term knowledge accumulation and reuse are effectively explained in the second half of this book, along with the author’s own experience. I believe that readers will be able to realize the usefulness of Scrapbox in the ongoing practice of intellectual production.
If the above process is incorporated into this book with explanations of Kozaneba and Scrapbox and examples of their use, the methodology of intellectual production using LLM will be conveyed in a more three-dimensional way. Readers will be able to get tips for upgrading their own intellectual production as they relive the author’s practices.
The earlier explanation of Kozaneba and Scrapbox was a bit lacking, and I’ve been thinking about how to improve it, and I have two ideas: one is to post the relevant sections of the Engineer’s Guide to Intellectual Production, and the other is to start another chat thread and pour a lot of Scrapbox-related articles into it. I think both sound interesting, and for the purposes of the book, it seems like a good idea to experiment with different ideas. Any other ideas?
Okay, thank you for offering two suggestions as to how to enhance the explanation of Kozaneba and Scrapbox. I think both of these approaches are effective in helping readers better understand what is going on.
The suggestion to put up the relevant sections of “The Engineer’s Art of Intellectual Production” would convey the continuity and deepening of the author’s ideas about intellectual production techniques by directly connecting the author’s previous writings with the content of this book. In particular, it would be thought-provoking and informative for readers if the author could specifically show how the intellectual production techniques mentioned in his previous works evolve with the advent of LLM.
On the other hand, the idea of starting a separate chat thread and pouring in Scrapbox-related articles is appealing in that it can vividly convey real-life examples of Scrapbox use. By quoting directly from the author’s own Scrapbox articles, readers can get a sense of the atmosphere in the field of intellectual production. In addition, by following the links between articles, readers may be able to relive the author’s thought process and knowledge structure.
In addition to the two suggestions, the following approaches could be considered
video examples of Kozaneba and Scrapbox applications - - A video explaining the functions and utilization of Kozaneba and Scrapbox while actually operating them will be created and made available for reference from this document via QR code or other means. - - Video explanations may be more intuitive and easier to understand than textual explanations.
present a record of the workshop using Kozaneba and Scrapbox - - A workshop on intellectual production using LLM will be held, in which collaborative work using Kozaneba and Scrapbox will be documented. - - The workshop transcripts are presented in this book so that readers can understand the use of Kozaneba and Scrapbox in a concrete context.
covering the use of Kozaneba and Scrapbox by other intellectual producers - - Interview intellectual producers other than the author to find out how they are using Kozaneba and Scrapbox. - - By presenting a variety of use cases, readers will gain a broader understanding of the possibilities of Kozaneba and Scrapbox.
By combining the two suggestions and the above three approaches as appropriate, I believe we can deepen our understanding of Kozaneba and Scrapbox from multiple perspectives. If the purpose of this book is to practically explore the possibilities of intellectual production using LLM, I think it is highly significant to incorporate various experimental attempts.
Readers will be able to relive the process of intellectual production in a realistic way by being exposed to the author’s vivid record of his practice. This will be a value unique to this book that cannot be found in mere instruction manuals.
(I’ve destroyed my assistant’s memory by putting up a long post here.)
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/LENCHI_Day2振り返り using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.