Today, knowledge is the only meaningful resource. Knowledge in such a new sense is knowledge as utility. - Drucker. in postcapitalist society p.57
Today it is clear that Marx’s prediction was wrong p. 41
What defeated Marx? The answer was the Productivity Revolution: in 1881, Taylor applied his knowledge to the study, analysis, and assembly of manual labor jobs.
Education and training have exploded productivity.
A few years after Taylor applied his knowledge to his work, the productivity of manual laborers began to grow by 3.5%~4% per year. This meant a doubling in 18 years. Since Taylor to date productivity has increased 50-fold. p.51
Today, knowledge is the only meaningful resource. Knowledge in such a new sense is knowledge as utility. P.57
- In “🤖🔁Intellectual production 2023-08-25 07:28
” AI wrote “[Knowledge is a meaningful resource.
- I looked up the origin of the idea and found it was a reading note from Hatena2010-06-11.
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