- The KJ method has the appearance of using tag, but it is only a prominent appearance. The essential grouping process is not much different from the process of “writing one item per line of what comes to mind in the outline processor, then moving it up and down so that strongly related items are close together. Would it be easier to explain the two in parallel?
As a thought experiment, what would I do if I had no pens or sticky notes, only a text editor, and I wanted to do something KJ-legal? First, write a series of short sentences in a text editor, one line at a time, then pair the lines as you go along, and when you have gathered some, add a title, copy and paste just the title, and repeat.
A more detailed explanation
- 1 Write down
- 2 Create a blank area by putting a line break in the front and sending it to the bottom.
- 3 4 Make pairs and move them to a blank piece of paper.
- 5 Repeat
- 6 Finally, everything will be grouped together.
- 7 Put a nameplate on the group
- 8 Send it down with a new line, copy and paste only the front cover and collect it in the blank area.
- Back to 1.
What’s harder with this than with sticky notes.
- It’s hard to display 100 items in the missing direction.
- What to do when you want to express something that cannot be expressed well in words in a diagram?
- Large overhead
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/テキストエディタでKJ法もどき using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.