What would you like to see happen in this conversation?
It would be good to have an organized explanation of the special mode.
What kind of “specialized mode” is this “specialized mode”?
I myself prefer to use Keichobot’s general purpose mode, but I have had sessions with a human coach as a Clean Language client to begin with, I have trained on the coach side myself, and I know what’s in the system itself, so I’m in a very knowledge-rich situation. It’s not always easy for knowledge poor users to do “everything is free”. Oh, this is related to the other day’s Coloring books and free books analogy. So, I created a way to start a purpose-specific session that compares the degree of freedom.
What kind of “everything is free” is that “everything is free”?
The user must specify what it is used about in the first move, and since there are no other clues, the program proceeds with the session using only that first statement as a clue. It is quite dependent on the user’s ability to create a conversational flow that is beneficial to him or her.
What kind of “user” is this “user”?
A user uses Keichobot as stationery. It is natural that the quality of the results of using stationery depends on the user’s ability. For example, imagine a magnetic drawing tool, there is a stamp in the shape of a circle for users who cannot draw a circle with a pen that can freely draw lines. In order to reduce dependence on the user’s ability, the degree of freedom of the user is reduced.
What kind of “Keichobot” is this “Keichobot”?
So, Keichobot, which originally had a high degree of freedom, was given a specialized mode with reduced freedom.
What is it that you value?
Whether this will make it easier for users to take advantage of Keichobot is only a hypothesis, but I hope it will make it easier to use!
Is there anything else about that “Keichobot”?
Hmmm, this question is hard to answer. Talking more about the specialized modes, I think that of the three modes, this time especially the KPT mode would be easier to understand the flow
I can only hypothesize whether this will make it easier for users to utilize Keichobot, but I hope it will make it easier to use!
- Where is this “Keichobot” located?
I can only hypothesize whether this will make it easier for users to utilize Keichobot, but I hope it will make it easier to use!
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this “user”?
👎 User
Is there anything else you can tell us about that “specialized mode”?
Yes, first of all, template-based methods in the world are often rewritten in the form of questions, and if you put a template in the form of a question on Keichobot’s system, it becomes a “template that listens back”.
What kind of “template” is this “template that listens back”?
Ordinary templates are one-way, but Keichobot asks questions about what the user has written. The user can answer the question or ignore it and enter the next item.
What do you hope will happen regarding this “Keichobot”?
It would be nice if users could get used to using the specialized mode and then be able to use the general-purpose mode.
What needs to happen to “Keichobot” for that to happen?
To be precise, “it would be nice if users could use the general-purpose mode,” and for that “users need to get used to using it,” and the hypothesis is that “the specialized mode could help them do that.
As for “Keichobot,” can it?
I’ve gone so far as to add a specialized mode, and I haven’t been able to observe whether or not users are accustomed to using it.
What is the relationship between that “mode” and “specialized mode”?
https://keicho.netlify.app/#talk=ZwbI8T6YzWABQLe7HjiK #KeichobotLog
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/特化モードについての解説が整理されると良い using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.