- Some people want picture for coloring in (coloring) and others want a blank general-purpose notebook. Just as some people want “a frame that can be filled (framework)” in order to think, and others want “freedom unencumbered by box”.
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tokoroten: People who enjoy software create educational software based on their formative experience (from one’s youth). software based on their formative experience (from one’s youth), so they create a blank free-form book where they can draw anything! Not necessarily many people can draw whatever they want in a free book and train whatever they want. Many people want a clear drill on what needs to be done.
tokoroten: think about it for a minute, It would be crazy to start studying math there, even if they give you a blank notebook and don’t tell you what to do. That’s what it’s all about.
tokoroten: and I think this is especially true in recurrent education and reskilling, “Let’s draw whatever you want in your free book, unacceptable to adults who have lived by the subtractive method. We live in a world where if you draw freely, you get stabbed.
koyamaana: Actually, the original experience of software fun people is also not suddenly a free book, but people who started with a drill-like book but derailed and started writing in a free book. I think there are a lot of people who started with drill books but got sidetracked and started writing in free books (I do). If you start from there, and say, “Free book is fun,” “Let’s make a free book,” and “Study with this,” it may be difficult for learners to learn.
nishio: I guess some people want to be given a coloring book to paint and others want a blank free book. I guess it’s the same as there are people who want “a frame (framework) that can be filled” for thinking and people who want “freedom unencumbered by a frame”. twitter.com/tokoroten/stat…
--- log Related things written the day before Mandalat in /villagepump/Scrapbox.
When you have a frame, you want to fill it. 気持ちを利用する色々なフレームワークの一種でマスが8つあるだけのフレームワークなのだという認識
I wonder if there is a conflict between the personality that says “I want to fill in the boxes when I see them, and I feel refreshed and happy when I fill them all in” and the personality that wants to write freely in the Scrapbox.
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