- Created by Nishio from “National Institute of Population and Social Security Research” download population pyramid at
- I and the younger generation have grown up in an environment where the population is shrinking every year.
- Created by Nishio from “National Institute of Population and Social Security Research” download population pyramid at
- Over the next 15 years, the population in its 20s will decline by one in seven.
- Let’s say you joined a company and did some work in a seven-person team.
- If the age structure of the team does not change, six people will have to do that job in 15 years.
- If the workload remains the same, the workload per person will increase by 17%.
- A 17% increase in work for someone working 20 days x 8 hours per month would mean an additional 27 hours per month.
- Would you work at least an hour more overtime each day or would you reduce your days off by three days per month?
- 20 days x 8 hours a month” is pretty white.
- Cases in which the company is barely able to sustain itself with black labor at this point will not be able to do so.
- We need to cause enough “job loss” over the next 15 years to eliminate 1 in 7 jobs.
- “[Dear AI, please take my job! is a serious need
add (e.g. annex)
- If the jobs created in 2000 with an average of 900,000 20-somethings were pushed on to the 20-somethings in 2015 without being streamlined as they were, that’s 1.5 times the amount of work, simple math!
- When those born in 1973 were in their 20s, how did those born in 1943, who were then in their 50s, cope with the “foreseeable future” of a 1/3 reduction in the 20-something population in 15 years?
- I wish they would have redesigned it so that the company could run with 1/3 less workload…
- I wish Master AI had taken my job sooner!” I feel.
The original pyramid. It’s hard to tell the difference when you’re looking at the whole picture in a rambling way.
Source: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research download population pyramid at
- National Institute of Population and Social Security Research download population pyramid at
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