It’s done.
- button, the command block executes
webhooks execute post-like x
(the x part is an arbitrary name) - SimpleWebhooks POSTs name to
. - Flask running on localhost receives request and executes command with [RCON
command = f"data get storage likes {name}"
- Get the number of likes from [storage
- increase by one
command = f"data modify storage likes {name} set value {value}"
- Write the increased value to storage
command = f"hd setLine likes_{name} 1 LIKE: {value}"
- Updated [Holographic Displays
- Assuming the name of the HD is in the form
url: http://localhost:5000/
name: "{COMMAND_PARAM_1}"
from flask import Flask, request
from aiomcrcon import Client
import asyncio
import re
import threading
from secret import PASSWORD, HOST, PORT
app = Flask(__name__)
client = Client(HOST, PORT, PASSWORD)
def create_app():
return app
async def update_likes(name):
await client.connect()
command = f"data get storage likes {name}"
response = await client.send_cmd(command)
if "Found no elements matching" in response[0]:
value = 0
value = int("\d+", response[0]).group())
value += 1
command = f"data modify storage likes {name} set value {value}"
response = await client.send_cmd(command)
command = f"hd setLine likes_{name} 1 LIKE: {value}"
response = await client.send_cmd(command)
await client.close()
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def root():
if request.method == "GET":
return "OK"
name = request.json["name"]
x = threading.Thread(target=lambda:, args=()).start()
return "OK"
place to get stuck in
- Need to return OK before executing RCON against webhook
- Sending a RCON packet but it is not executed and times out
- Perhaps the webhook command is grabbing a lock.
- So I decided to create a form of thread.
- VirtualPersents like feature
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/マイクラ内でいいね using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.