- Mental model of “finding” what Fits you.
- Mental model of “nurture”, “grow”, and “develop” what Fits you.
The two are often talked about in contrast, but I felt they were different (ver. 2.0).
- (a) The mental model of “being found” feels like crossing a certain level line just moments after the first meeting.
- (b) The mental model of “nurture” feels like going up and over the line over time
- But if you think about it carefully, I think it’s more luck or momentum that’s rattling and vibrating.
- There are multiple lines.
- When you cross the line due to vibration, the fact that you have “crossed the line” occurs, and that underpins your score.
- This is the (C)
The wording in (c) implicitly assumes that there are milestones that are large and small on a one-dimensional scale, which I feel is also different.
- Essentially, “there is a mechanism in the world that behaves ‘once the input is greater than 1, the output changes from 0 to 1 and then stays at 1 forever’“.
- They are Boolean bundle because they are not serialized.
- Since it only transitions from 0 to 1, it gradually moves away from the origin (0, 0, 0, …) is gradually moving away from the
- This “gradually increasing distance from the origin” is observed in the form (B)
- Individual 0 to 1 transitions are of the form (A)
The above abstraction was derived from the following more specific story (ver. 1.0)
from [/villagepump/It seems to make more sense to view relationship building as a process problem than as a matching problem](https://scrapbox.io/villagepump/It seems to make more sense to view relationship building as a process problem than as a matching problem).
from 10(‘s diary)
It seems to make more sense to view relationship building as a process issue rather than a matching issue.
- To put it in an extreme way, I used to think that I should meet as many people as possible in order to find someone I “get along” with.
- If the goal is to maximize the degree of “compatibility,” an approach that expands the search area makes sense.
- But this relationship model oversimplified the process part.
- As a result, goal setting and the actions taken to achieve them were also off.
- Recognition of the current situation that
It seems to make more sense to view relationship building as a process issue rather than a matching issue.
- It’s not “there’s someone with 100 compatibility points and I’m going to find them.”相性が高まりそうな人と一緒にいてだんだん高めて行く」みたいなことかな?
- If you want to strike the right balance between the two ways of perceiving it, yes.
- What is the ratio of the score at the time of the encounter and the subsequent score growth to the final score…
- What is the ratio of the score at the time of the encounter and the subsequent score growth to the final score…
- I associate this with love and nothing to do with love.
- No more advice to “find your passion” | by Taka Umada | Medium
- No more advice to “find your passion.”
- “Passion is not something you find, it’s something you nurture.”
- When I looked at the original article, it was talking about “What it means to love” by Erich Fromm., and it was not unrelated to love. w
- Sure, it’s the same story in the abstract.
- No more advice to “find your passion” | by Taka Umada | Medium
- No more advice to “find your passion.”
- (Note: The
story was not a love story in the first place, but was abstracted, but I took the liberty of interpreting it as a love story and then abstracted it to find a connection with the story of finding enthusiasm for the project.)
- If you want to strike the right balance between the two ways of perceiving it, yes.
Talk about love, I thought about it.
- (a) The mental model of “being found” feels like crossing a certain level line just moments after the first meeting.
- (b) The mental model of “nurture” feels like going up and over the line over time
- But if you think about it carefully, I think it’s more luck or momentum that’s rattling and vibrating.
- There are multiple lines.
- When the line is crossed by vibration, the perception of “I’ve crossed the line with this person before” occurs and underpins the score.
- This is the (C)
- Rattling vibrations don’t occur too often while we haven’t met.
- So “an environment of regular face-to-face contact with humans” has the effect of making progress.
- Simply meeting has a [simple contact effect
- In addition to that, crossing the line occurs as a stochastic event.
- And after writing this much, I’m starting to think that not all lines are clearly observable.
- What people perceive as a line is also up to them.
(ver.2.1) gacha is a random event, either it comes out or it doesn’t.
- There’s no surefire way to get it out.
- However, if 100 times is drawn, the game state will almost certainly be more favorable than the “state in which nothing is drawn”.
- Staying with a particular person is like continuing to pull a gacha.
- Individual messes cannot be targeted, but total increases can be targeted.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/FitとDevelopは誤った二項対立 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.