Because the bottleneck is not the budget.
- A third place to stimulate children’s creativity like unexplored junior high school [concept 99%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%83%BC%E6%A7%8B%E6%83%B3] and that the bottleneck was not the budget. The discussion turned to the fact that the bottleneck is not the budget, so doubling the budget does not double the size of the project.
So what is the bottleneck? It is the size of the community that can recognize each other’s individuals. Many people may see the value that unexplored juniors are creating for society in the short term as follows.
- Knowledge transfer in the form of mentoring for creatives
- Financial and other resources to support project implementation
- The effect of finding and shining a light on outstanding talent
But the long-term value is in building a human network, and after five or ten years, this network will produce value to society. The project itself, “Unexplored Junior,” was born five to ten years later from the human network created by the IPA’s Unexplored Project.
- Ukai, who pulled the trigger for the creation of Unexplored Junior, was the 2011 adopter; the idea was shared with the community in 2015, and the first project was implemented in 2016. - How was “Unexplored Jr.” turned into a project? - Adoption years of other early members in this article: Nishio 2002, Arakawa 2004, Yasukawa 2012, Suzuki 2013
In order to build a human network, an adopted creator must be able to recognize other creators as individuals.
- For example, in both Unexplored IT and Unexplored Junior, everyone has the opportunity to watch everyone’s presentation and ask each other questions.
Each person has different strengths in communicating with others.
- Some A’s are willing to engage with anyone.
- There are cases of Mr. B and Mr. C who hit it off with certain people and create strong relationships.
- Even if you are the type of creator who does not interact much with others, you will be recognized as an individual in the peer community as “Mr. D who quietly created X”.
Examples of presentations given by graduate creatives to current students
@YukiMihashi: gave a LT presentation at theUnderground Junior event, “The Junior”.
🤝 Connect with your peers and mentors 💻 Take advantage of opportunities to get people to use it. 🔥 Have your own axis
In addition to financial assistance and mentoring, we hope you will make the most of the abundant opportunities for presentations, exhibits, and socializing 😌.
As the number of people increases, mutual individual recognition is not established.
- The perception of a faceless “multitude”.
- [Where individual recognition is possible.
What if we simply can’t scale up? - Small Communities are connected together to form a large network.
- In 2004, MUSEE began a policy of inviting graduates to present their work to the current students as a whole, a policy that was deemed beneficial and has been carried over to the current MUSEE IT.
- From 2004-2009, a two-phase system was implemented in the Unexplored Youth and Unexplored Body. This overlapped the adoption periods to encourage communication between adopters in the first and second halves.
- Doubling the budget does not double the size.
- It may appear to double in terms of screening, adoption, spending, etc., but overlooks the cost of the “glue” to stick the community together.
- Increased burden on the field operations office
- Related Proposal to make unexplored junior a two-term system.
- Beginning in 2021, MIZUKEN JUNIOR will unify the places on Scrapbox that were previously used for individual projects, and will also continue to use those places after 2022. This has the effect that Scrapbox is a place where asynchronous communication is possible, unlike chat rooms, and provides an opportunity to get to know past adopters.
- In the figure, the inner gray circle indicates a time-synchronous announcement event or synchronous community.
- Asynchronous interactions are occurring after the fact with the conversation logs and other content that emerged from these interactions.
There is no need for management to keep track of all the small communities.
- Cannot and should not try to figure out
- Because the involvement of management, mentors, and adults creates a sense of formality that negatively affects the diversity of communication that takes place.
- It is the community that creators have created spontaneously out of sight of management that will produce value 5-10 years from now.
- Deep, intense, personal exchanges only take place there.
- What the management has flagged and created is just “Opportunities to get to know each other.”
relevance - Purpose-driven project teams emerge from the alumni community - dilemma of scale and quality
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