- A style of conference presentation in which a chat screen is placed separately from the presenter’s screen
was experienced at the Programming Symposium. It was already there, at least in 2002.
- I find it very beneficial.
- Apparently WISS started even earlier.
- Continuous Practice of Communication Promotion at Conference Events https://ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp/ej/?action=repository_action_common_download&item_id=141633&item_no=1& attribute_id=1&file_no=1]”
As of 2019 Cybozu has a “generic actual space” for internal groupware
- A thread is created for each event, where the actual situation is discussed.
- The expression [live thread
Some say it looks like a Twitter hashtag. - push through (e.g. a crowd, vegetation, etc.) - It’s very detailed: What is Tsudaaru? Word article - Niconico Encyclopedia
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