relevance - I want to put Keichobot in context (with a secondary commentary)



2023-10-05 17:20 omni.icon

Digest 1

The concept is a tool for thought efficiency.

Digest 2

. Useful as a concept”, “I want to put Keichobot in context (with a secondary commentary)”, “a tool for thinking”, and relevant to the “economic theory of thought” fragment. Concepts are useful tools that reduce the cost of thinking and contribute to the efficiency of thinking, not only for individuals but also for the organization as a whole. This is based on Ernst Mach’s theory of the economy of thought. Also, in Keichobot’s contextualization, the efficiency of thinking can be improved by creating new word-meaning combinations.

deep thinking

Concepts are tools that promote efficiency in thinking, not only for individuals but also for the organization as a whole. This is based on Ernst Mach’s theory of the economy of thought. In addition, the efficiency of thinking can be improved by creating new word-meaning combinations. However, whether a concept is beneficial or not depends on its individual attributes. Therefore, it is important to take individual attributes into account in order to maximize the usefulness of a concept.

summary of thoughts

Concepts are tools that promote efficiency in thinking, and their usefulness can be maximized by taking individual attributes into account.


. Maximizing the beneficial impact of concepts that take into account individual attributes.”

extra info

TITLES: ["Useful as a concept"], "Keichobot's context for putting things in perspective (with a side commentary)", "Tools for thinking", "Thought economy theory", "Renewing the frame of thought", "The process of thinking about what "thinking" means", "BMOT special class #1 "Intellectual Production"","🌀Driving intellectual production. ", "iw-557"] generated: 2023-10-05 17:20

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