Comparison of cost of social security and science and technology related expenses from 5dcc1863aff09e0000346289
Japan’s Finances (2016)
annual revenue
- General Account 97 trillion
- Social insurance premiums 67 trillion
annual expenditure
- Pension 57 trillion
- Healthcare 38 trillion
- Welfare, etc. 24 trillion
- Remaining debt payment 24 trillion
- Money left over 26 trillion
- Of which, science and technology 4 trillion
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/社会保障費と科学技術関係経費の比較 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.