Case 1
- It’s all about “social security spending.”
- I recall a past lecture in which he said, “I’ve talked about the high cost of Social Security.”
- The focus was on the ratio of investment to science and technology.
- I’d try to find it, but I can’t find it by searching for “social security payments”.
- Vector Search in Nishio for “Social Security Funding Scientific Research” hit
- The expression was “38 trillion for medical care, 24 trillion for welfare and others, and 120 trillion in total.”
- There’s also “Science and Technology” a little further down the road.
- I made an excerpt page with “Social Security Expenses” in the title. - Comparison of Social Security Expenditures and Science and Technology Expenditures
Case 2
- I’m trying to come up with a story about a hole in the wall, and I’m searching for wall or hole, but I can’t find it.
- Vector search for “hole in the wall, you have to get close to see it.”
- Second candidate found.
- [The fact that there is a wall ahead is not a reason not to proceed. 93%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AF%E9%80%B2%E3%81%BE%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E7%90%86%E7%94%B1%E3%81%AB%E3%81%AF%E3%81%AA%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84]
- The hole in the wall was pictured, but not texted.
- I’ll add a note.
- There is also another page on the “hole in the wall” metaphor, which does not fit the purpose of this article, but I’ll link it for future reference.
Case 3
- Vector search on “unfeasible ideas seem original”.
- The one I was looking for was the fifth hit.
- Didn’t hit on the swing between “original” and “originality,” between “unfeasible” and “unfeasible.”
- When we try to specify the search target with search keywords, we tend to use noun form keywords such as “unfeasible,” but in reality, they are sometimes described by opening them to verb form.
- But there is a lot of very relevant content in the candidates above it: result
- The pages of this experiment are episodic, which would make them memorable and easily recalled.
- Create a new page with “[Unfeasible ideas seem original.
Case 4
- Vector search on “kintone talks around data”
- No.1:.
The current state of kintone allows communication across data, data updates, and automatic version control, but I think the ideal situation would be to have the same collaborative editing capability for database schema and customized JavaScript.
- No. 4: The
Reforming Municipal Operations with Digital Solutions for Public Utilities
Both municipalities used Cybozu’s “kintone” as a digital solution. kintone allows users to build business applications without programming knowledge, as long as they have a working knowledge of Excel. It integrates disparate information from e-mail and Excel, and allows the creation of a unique business environment through creativity and ingenuity.
I see - I was wondering how to explain kintone, but you explain it as “email and Excel integration”.
- I like the term “email and Excel integration.”
Case 5
- “Bias to measure only what is easy to measure.”
While cost is easy to measure numerically, quality is harder to measure and therefore easier to underestimate.
Case 6
- “Write a report on why you made the choices you made.”
- → “How to Write a Dissertation Introduction.”
The way you write the introduction of the paper, you have to go into depth in the form of multiple options and you have to choose one of them. If you omit that and write only the results of the choices you made, you will not convey the difficulty and greatness of what you did. If you lean too much on other choices, you will not convey what you are trying to say. --- Tsubasa Yumura
- → “How to Write a Dissertation Introduction.”
Case 7
- Network Diagram
- Understanding Books
- Understanding Books
- I have a diagram floating around, but I can’t find it.
- “There are four steps in which a book is understood, and the fragments are connected to the outside of the book.”
- hit:
- hit:
Case 8.
- Search for “leave the criticism to the market.”
- Hits.
- What the market will determine.
- No one is equal to the market.
- It is the market, not you, that determines your market value
- The amount of criticism matters.
- The market can play the role of denial.
- What you’re looking for is number 5.
Case 9
- Search for “many eyes make it easier to identify bugs”.
- What I wanted to find (found in 5th place)
Or, to put it more crudely, “No bug is too serious as long as there are enough eyeballs on it. I call this Reanus’ Law.
- Unexpectedly found (#1)
Reduce preconceptions by gaining more perspectives
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ベクトル検索が有用だった事例 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.