from Diary 2023-11-03 Comparison of Scrapbox and Kozaneba structures
The relationship between “link” and “vector search” between Scrapbox pages is the relationship between “line” and “proximity placement” between Kozane and Kozane in Kozaneba
- Scrapbox’s 2-hop link distinguishes between directions.
- Kozaneba’s link doesn’t distinguish between directions?
- There are rare ones that do, but it’s not a mention-subject relationship like the links from the Scrapbox page.
- Scrapbox Link is often a “non-existent link” concept.
- At its root, it is only an existence page.
- Are there more non-existent pages ahead?
- Look at the statistics later to see if there are too many
- There is no non-existent Kozane in Kozaneba
- Not even in the KJ method.
- It corresponds to what is called associative mood rather than physical presence
- Description by Jiro Kawakita: You’re abstracting too much.
- There is an associative atmosphere of abstract non-existence around concrete existence.
- Scrapbox succeeded in externalizing the “associations that have not yet led to a concrete page” in the form of red links.
- (As written Unexplored Junior Achievement Report Meeting began)
- Description by Jiro Kawakita: You’re abstracting too much.
- Kozaneba’s link doesn’t distinguish between directions?
page to split titles that are too long.
- Split titles that are too long, usually the granularity of Kozane when I’m doing Kozaneba.
- This is a fine label for the KJ method
- I’m doing about the same thing as “knee-swing (gymnastics)“.
- Why? Because we have a near-term goal such as “creating lecture materials”.
- Maybe I should do something more coarse grained if I’m lost and want a large area map.
- I’m doing about the same thing as “knee-swing (gymnastics)“.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ScrapboxとKozanebaの構造の比較 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.