- With named types like interface, tree definitions, etc. could be done before.
- Since 3.7, type alias can be done in some cases.
- But we can’t define recurrently in the way we wanted to do it this time.
- You can’t even make it an INTERFACE.
- Resolution Create natural numbers with TypeScript types.
I just wanted to add… ts
type N0 = [];
type succ<N> = [any, N];
type N1 = succ<N0>
type N2 = succ<N1>
type N3 = succ<N2>
type pred<N> = N extends [any, infer R] ? R : never;
type NEQUAL<Na, Nb> = Na extends Nb ? any : never;
type testNEQUAL = NEQUAL<pred<N2>, succ<N0>> // any
type add<Na, Nb> = Nb extends N0 ? Na : add<succ<Na>, pred<Nb>>
// Type alias 'add' circularly references itself. TypeScript In 3.7 ts
type ValueOrArray<T> = T | Array<ValueOrArray<T>>; // OK
type ValueOrArray<T> = T | ValueOrArray<Array<T>>; // NG
type add<Na, Nb> = Nb extends N0 ? Na : add2<Na, Nb>;
interface add2<Na, Nb> extends add<succ<Na>, pred<Nb>> { }; // NG
// An interface can only extend an object type or intersection of object types with statically known members.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/TypeScriptは型を再帰的に定義できない? using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.