It was 5 questions…F is the digit DP, right? and I implemented it, but “record if 16 different numbers are already available” got me to 60,000, and N is 2 x 10^5, so it’s tough…TLE didn’t solve it, contest ended…
- I made a mistake once and asked for ] and realized the sample didn’t match at all.
- This time the problem is ]
- I tried to interpret it graphically and it didn’t work, so I calmly and naively transformed the equation
- … Half of the queue
- … Expansion
- … sum order
- py
def main():
N = int(input())
AS = list(map(int, input().split()))
sumAS = sum(AS)
sumSq = sum(a * a for a in AS)
print(N * sumSq - sumAS * sumAS)
D - Journey
- Expected DP DP J
- Let f(x) be the expected number of operations until the size of the connected component goes from x to N. f(N) = 0. We want to find f(1)
- Given f(x), find f(x-1)
- Consider one step after the size of the connected component is x-1
- (x-1) / N probability that an already connected vertex is chosen and the remaining expected value is f(x-1)
- (N - (x-1)) / N probability that a new vertex is chosen and the remaining expected value is f(x)
- Transformed to this point and dropped into code. py
def main():
N = int(input())
ret = 0
for i in range(1, N):
ret = (ret * (N - i) / N + 1) * N / (N - i)
- Official Explanation
- to organize one more step
- [$ f(x-1) = f(x) + \frac{N }{N - (x-1)}
- Thoughts.
- I want to find the smallest number that does not appear in a sequence of m
- But a naive loop would check the sequence 10^6 times 10^6 lengths, so there’s no way to get there in time.
- If you create a frequency table, you only need to increase one place and decrease one place, so you know what and how many are in constant order.
- The smallest number that does not appear is the leftmost number that is zero in the frequency table. If you look for this in a loop, you still won’t find it in time.
- Speaking of finding the left-most one that is a specific value Fennic tree.
- When the frequency table is 0, the corresponding position in the phoenix tree should be 1. The leftmost 1 is obtained by a binary search and is of logarithmic order
- This is already implemented in our own library py
def main():
N, M = map(int, input().split())
AS = list(map(int, input().split()))
ft = FenwickTree(N)
for i in range(N):
ft.set(i, 1)
count = [0] * N
ret = INF = 9223372036854775807
for i in range(M):
v = AS[i]
count[v] += 1
ft.set(v, 0)
ret = ft.find_next(-1)
for i in range(M, N):
v = AS[i]
count[v] += 1
ft.set(v, 0)
v = AS[i - M]
count[v] -= 1
if count[v] == 0:
ft.set(v, 1)
ret = min(ret, ft.find_next(-1))
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ABC194 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.