- Thoughts.
- If the remainder of the range from i to j is known, then multiply by 10, add one digit, and take the remainder in constant time
- But if we wait for too much for each starting point, the total is of the order of squares.
- So we can set this to frequency table of a constant width
- PS, it is indeed a constant, but it’s 2019 x 200000, so it’s going to TLE.
- unAC
- Official Explanation
- A slightly different approach
- It’s similar to doing operations on a range with cumulative sums and inverse operations.
- I thought about it a little when I was considering it per se, but I mistakenly thought it was a no-no.
- Quickly assume that the power of 10 part is in the way and cannot be used.
- Cumulative from the left, not from the right
That’s more natural since it’s a number of digits, not a sequence of numbers.
I’m only interested in whether the remainder of x is zero in this problem.
Multiplication by powers of 10 can be ignored because 10 is prime to 2019.
- From left to right: Accumulation → Frequency → Triangular number.
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