Suppose you set a goal to study 365 hours in 365 days, and there is a probability of one day in ten that you will not be able to study. Naturally, if you study for one hour on the days you study, you will not be able to achieve your goal. Therefore, he decides to study for 2 hours once every few days. How many days do you need to study once in order to achieve your goal with a probability of more than 90%?
This may seem surprising, but it is once every seven days.
You may think that studying for 2 hours every 10 days is enough to increase by 10%, but that is only an average, so you can only achieve your goal about 50% of the time. if you want to achieve your goal more than 90% of the time, you need to increase by about 14% every 7 days.
- This story came to mind when I wrote “Studying for an hour every day is unattainable.
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