Pulling and combining from the outside world what is not in the company
In the context of the [SECI Model
Keichobot helps to put subjective mumbo-jumbo into words = helps tacit knowledge to be expressed as formal knowledge
Kozaneba helps discover connections and structures between written text fragments = helps linkage between formal knowledge
- Personally, I think it also helps me understand texts that are difficult to comprehend = helps me internalize formal knowledge.
I’d like to solve this but I don’t have time so I’ll just make a note of it.
- Is the relationship between “living” and “thinking” in Building, Living, Thinking related to Mind Palace, clean space, or the KJ grouping process?
- Are the tools in Tools for Conviviality related to groupware or metaverse?
- → The word conviviality is a type of concept that should not be interpreted from the literal translation.
- In the SECI Spiral of knowledge creation company, collaboration is depicted as an essential part of the spiral.
- It is good that there are two ways of communicating felt sense: a non-verbal collaboration and a verbal one.
- I’m not sure there is any reason to assume that this would happen alternately.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/2022-01-05 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.