It is difficult to listen to the story of others without having preconceptions, so let’s start the practice by listening to your own story.
James Webb Young classified the materials into special materials and general materials. Special material is specialized material about the problem you want to solve now. Suppose you are making a soap advertisement. What kind of features the soap product has, and what kind of features the customer has are the special materials for the purpose. (*15)
What is special material depends on your circumstances and the problem to solve. When you want to solve problems you are familiar with, it is highly likely that you are an effective source of problem-specific information.
We tend to think that the answer is outside of ourselves. It is not correct. Not just exploring yourself outside, you need to focus on yourself. You need to consider yourself as an important interview subject and listen carefully what you think subjectively.
*15: In contrast, general materials are materials that are unrelated to the problem you want to solve. You collect those materials in various fields with curiosity every day. When you try to solve some problem, you see them unrelated to the problem at first glance. However, after you collect special materials, you will find a new connection between them.