Let’s take a closer look at each phase. The first step in the plowing phase is to gather information. Jiro Kawakita divided this into two activity: internal exploration and external exploration. External exploration is gathering information to ask others and read books. (*14)
The way to listen to others as an external exploration is not explained in this book. It is because I have not experienced enough to talk about this subject. In many cases, when I listen to others’ story, I already have my own ideas. I listen after I talk about my ideas and observing the reaction. This is not the plowing phase. It is verification in the growing phase.
For example, in a job of interviewing customer candidates for product development and writing interviews with celebrities, you need to urge others to speak their own thought. you need to observe without distortion. You need to avoid your preconceptions. Preconceptions distort the story of the others unconsciously.
This is an act of avoiding own thoughts. This act is worthwhile, but this chapter is to make your own ideas. I do not talk about it in this chapter.
- (6.2.1) Explore inside you
- (6.2.2) How to promote verbalization
- (6.2.3) Physical sensation
- (6.2.4) Parable, metaphor, analogy
- (6.2.5) Things that have not become words yet
- (6.2.6) Summary of verbalization
*14 I explained how to read books in (4) How to read efficiently.